I’m currently standing where you need to to pick up Broken Web, and no one is there. I run to where to turn in the other two quests, and no one is there, either.
same deal here
Best way to do it, and hopefully you have a good connection is to abandon the quest, pick up the one at the deer and he will immediately put out another one, you need to accept that quest quickly.
found a work around…
first guy that gives quests has 2 but phases out after you accept the first
abandon the 2 quests and when you reaccept the first one, just spam the accept button before he phases out
The second one is the broken web, he some how disappears and now hes at my side after accepting that quest. Had to do it twice, and i think its because of the WQ there might be bugging it out.
That actually worked… But the next quest… I’m having issues again.
Just happened to a friend and myself. He despawns even after doing the world quest. Only way to get “Broken Web” was to spam click where the accept button would be.
Same issue, questgiver despawns, can’t pick up Broken Webs, can’t turn in the other two.
bet you the world quest is getting in the way. WIll try and confirm
What’s funny is I can’t see the world quest, either, so long as I keep the other two, now completed, in my log.
Did world quest and its STILL broken
There’s an npc I saw that let me pick up Broken Web but the turn in NPC is missing completely. Kind of glad I don’t need renown 12 to progress Dreamweaver this week so there’s no pressure to get these done immediately.
This worked, spam the accept button to get borken web as well and the deer will then follow you
I did that, After handing in the 3 bugged quests I accidentally became a bear for the world quests and my deer despawned, abandoned the quest to respawn the deer but it didn’t work and now I’m stuck
Same problem here
After finally clicking turning around three times and dancing, I got broken webs and the accompanying quest done. He dissappeared after turn in and spriggan quest came up did that and now no dude at turn in spot.
Same issue - no spriggan turn in. Please address.
Thanks man, that worked.
Same here, completed all the other quests, no spriggan turn in. Really frustrating considering its a Campaign quest…
Picked up Spriggan Snares and A Little Pruning last night and logged. Got on this morning and completed both but the turn in NPC is missing. Also picked up Broken webs this morning and completed but turn in NPC is not showing up for that either.