My alt characters aren’t seeing the dialogue option to skip the Broken Shore scenario after picking Legion from Chromie. Really don’t want to have to do that on every character again.
I’m not using Chromie Time, and “To Be Prepared” doesn’t appear to be skippable. Until they make it skippable again, I won’t be taking any characters through Legion content.
I’ve also noticed there is no skip option for chromie time to not have to do the scenario. Sorta sad but I just hope it doesn’t force people who’ve already done some legion content prior to pre patch to endure it to go back to legion to finish stuff like order hall for alts to get title
Did you do the Tour of the City quests after Exile’s Reach? These seem to be tied in to whether or not content is skippable. If you picked the Skip the Tour, then you can go straight into Chromie Time AND do their skips for expansions. If you however choose to do the Tour of the City, you must do the BFA starter and the expansion scenarios as well. At least that’s what I’m getting from my experience.
Update: My alliance characters are able to skip, but my Horde characters still cannot.
I skipped the tour and had to do the content. So this seems to be incredibly inconsistent. The character was horde.
Chiming in to say my Horde alt is also unable to skip the Broken Shore. I skipped the city tour. Have not made an Alliance alt yet to test, but from some of the replies here it seems like it might only be affecting Horde currently.
Edit: So turns out I did have an Alliance alt handy to test. He was able to skip just fine. Seems this is a Horde only bug at the moment.
I was able to skip the scenario on this horde alt by doing the prep quest (eat last meal, polish armour, etc), getting the quest to talk to the goblin in front of the ship to set sail, but instead going back to the mounted Orc out the front of Orgrimmar where this all started, who had the skip option. This was in Chromie Time.
I can confirm that what Agrinja said is correct. I was just able to skip it following these instructions on an alt created prior to the pre-patch.
Can also backup Agrinja’s instructions and Mokraths confirmation. This worked exactly as described in Chromie time on my alt
Add me into this line of folks, rather than get on the boat, talk to the mounted Orc again and you skip and the game plops you down in Dalaran.
You are my hero and a lifesaver
This worked for me. Thank you so much!
Confirmed on the alliance as well. go to the ship, and then IMMEDIATELY turn back around and return to Recruiter Lee. No “?” or “!” but you can talk to him.
I just had the same problem and I managed to solve it by changing the timeline with the NPC and then choosing the legion again, after which the quest sequence without errors.