Extra attacks and the way they are being qued. Any class that can proc an extra attack by any means.
Things like Windfury/Sword spec have an internal cooldown so they cant reproc - but evidence has shown so far you can get an 2 extra attacks instead of 1 from the initial proc.
Items like HoJ can chain proc off themselves (rare but it can happen). This is based off 2% per attack - add the fact you are already getting additional instant attacks also causes the chance of an additional hoj proc to increase
Melee attack
You gain 1 extra attack from sword spec
instant attack
Is how its supposed to work - whats happening is
Melee attack
You gain 1 extra attack from sword spec
instant attack
instant attack
And if hoj procs - because thats now 3 chances for hoj to proc in the same timestamp
Melee attack
You gain 1 extra attack from sword spec
You gain 1 extra attack from hoj
instant attack
instant attack
instant attack
instant attack
And if hoj procs again - because thats now 5 chances for hoj to proc in the same timestamp
Melee attack
You gain 1 extra attack from sword spec
You gain 1 extra attack from hoj
You gain 1 extra attack from hoj
instant attack
instant attack
instant attack
instant attack
instant attack
instant attack
From early testing without the macro a double proc would have:
Melee attack
You gain 1 extra attack from sword spec
You gain 1 extra attack from hoj
instant attack
meaning you lost an extra attack - using the macro allows those extra attacks to not only attack but attack twice.
Ive Watched this video like 40-50 times. At no point does he show his Reckoning stacks, every kill he does is a close up of the kill meaning we cant see anything information about what buffs he has, how much hp the person he is kill has or anything at all.
All i can tell from this video is that he proc reckoning with 1 shots, and gets <1% chance procs on hoj. I decided maybe i should test this and yea maybe 6-7 hours worth of just smackin sheet with make reckoning stacks, Never did i get anymore then the normal amount of attacks from hoj.
Stacks arnt shown on the default ui - you need a rek tracker to see the stacks.
Now go and spam your stop/start macro - for every single proc of both rek and hoj - dont get them to stack to 5 and unload. Rek is intended to give a counterattack type attack to being crit. Using this macro spam its gives 2 instant attacks. Usding this macro on a hoj proc will give 2 instant attacks instead of 1 attack.
And thre kicker is you can become 100% critable by spamming /sit and moving - meaning you can game 2 instant attacks for every melee you take - 100% of the time.
This is not how its working. Every situation that is happening is in 2 attacks i get 4 hits. That is 2 Attacks and 2 Hoj procs. The only thing you are seeing in this video is he is banking the proc from hoj from the previous hit and using it on the next hit.
Screenshot the combat log - make sure to include the attack before and after with timestamps shown - come and disprove me.
HoJ procs dont bank they are instant as in it brings your current swing timr to zero and then is supposed to make it start again. The same behavious as Rek.
Thrash blade is different in that it grants an extra attack on your next swing - gives and actual player buff. Meaning a proc wont reduce your swing timer to zero but cause a seconday attack when you next attack.
One of the problems is Batching and they way things work NOW compared to old.
With the current HoJ, Sword Spec, + attacks weapons, it acts just like reck, giving you a charge. I personally donât believe that was OLD behavior, and with batching allows for non palis to build charges. Thus the fix. (which needed fixed)
BUT this caused a break in the REK build for Palis. Because of fixing HoJ, Sword spec, etc, caused Rek to no longer function like it used to. DUE TO BATCHING> and Rek charges getting dropped.
Rek was nerfed to only hold 4 charges,
Currently they are still randomly dropping off.
Not activatiog when you get crit. Not even resetting your swing timer. I been collecting video evidence for this.
With the needed HoJ fix, has caused issues with REK. It is still broken and needs to be fixed, or reverted until the actually fix it.
Wait what, no. OG Wow you could store 4 charges for 5 hits. Exploit was found with ALL classes that get + swings due to batching in Classic. Get your info correct.