Broken: Necrolord assault

Can’t drag the 3rd centurion piece and get completion. The Kevin quest is buggy…he won’t eat all the enemies. Can’t we get game ready quests when they release instead of this buggy not working mess?


Fun fact. They still haven’t fixed the Remy pet quest in Ardenweald since the expac launched. I think at this point it’s safe to say blizzard doesn’t care.


Another fun fact. They haven’t fixed the Dredger World Quest in Revendreth since the expac launched. You can’t pick up a Dredger.


They haven’t fixed the “Naval Mechanics” achievement from WoD, and the only way to get it is to contact support. I think it’s been buggy since WoD.


I had more issues with the dragging souls one. Was taking a lot of time to credit for them and was having to fight multiple waves.

But it was my first time seeing this one so maybe I missed something to make it easier.

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Yes you can. But not while mounted.


same for me , this and the Venthyr assault bugged so i cant complete either- that makes 2 of them bugged enough that completion is either impossible or not worth the timesink, i guess at this stage we should think ourselves lucky that 50% is working…

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It worked last night for my first toon… didn’t work this morning for my second. Doesn’t seem to be working for anyone right now so something borked in between the start of this assault to this morning.

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Everything worked fine for me aside from Kevin. I finished it all, but Kevin was very picky on who he wanted to devour.

Yep. That and Remy have been completely broken since launch. I still can’t believe we’re at 9.1 and they’re both not fixed yet. Bloody embarrassing is what it is.

“Workaround” for anyone that can’t turn in the 3rd centurion piece: join a group from group finder. When you change realms you should be able to turn it in. Worked for me. Absolutely horribly designed set of assault quests, which is a shame because necro is the coolest covenant and I was really excited for this one. Sadly, I was very disappointed.


Can confirm this works. Poor goblin thought I was gonna help her with Sabriel.


Yeah, this one was definitely the most annoying and bugged. The Kevin quest was the absolute worst of the bunch. But, after googling, I found out that Kevin will show that he’s eaten 8 stacks if you look at his portrait picture, even though the quest log will only say…5 or something. You can do a workaround by logging off, and then Kevin will go back down to 5 (or whatever) on his portrait, and then kill 3 more, hope your quest log picks it up. If not, repeat the process until it does.

Coming soon to Netflix…

Fixed cuz it made me giggle.


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Everything worked okay except for the Kevin quest. It was either a picky eater or was bugged. I killed about 15 to get the 8 required.

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Kevin is a very picky eater


This worked for me - thanks!

I had no issues with the centurion piece last night, but did today. Tried reloading, reloading, rezoning, reacquiring the quest, disabling addons, (but not the group finder trick which has been suggested here). Kevin continues to be rather more picky than one would expect of a slime.

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fix your quests Blizz, this and you are a joke anymore

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for the Kevin quest you have to get the killing blow on the mob for it to count.