Broken BFA questline

I completed part of the heart chamber quests before the hot-fix went live that was affecting alliance characters entering BFA properly, but the quest was listed under Orgrimmar and had no follow up quest. I tried to exit the heart chamber because Magni did not offer a follow up quest on Monday 10/19/20. I logged back in today and it still did not work. There is no pop-up quest, and I cannot enter the heart. There are no quests except the PVP quest from Mathias Shaw in Borealis. I am currently locked out of all BFA content.

Solutions I tried:

  1. Visiting Chromie (she only has genereic NPC response)
  2. Visiting SW keep where the BFA line begins. (No one is there)
  3. Tried Re-entering the heart (Not clickable)
  4. Tried starting Nazjatar to enter the heart. (No quest giver to start the quest line)
  5. Tried relogging (No changes)

If anyone has had a similar problem and can help me figure out what to do, I’d appreciate it.

Please note the forums is showing this character as a 35, but is in fact a 50, max character. This is the character the quests are broken on if a BLUE happens to see this and reply.


The quote was the solution that got me going again. I’ll leave this post for anyone else who may stumble upon it. Happy questing!