Bringing back removed Transmogs and Mounts

Id love to see them update old mogs and mounts to the higher detail ones we get today.

I’m not interested in getting into an (already) long discussion about bringing back things people have marked as “special effort” (elite pvp gear and such).
But I would like for Blizz to add Zidormi to zones affected by the Shattering so players can go back and get removed rare drops and do unavailable quests :+1:

I also have many removed things and share the same feeling but I don’t “demand” I just suggest my idea and hope others see it and they share the same idea so they start saying it other places and others see it and share the same idea and so forth :slight_smile:

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I see no reason why there shouldn’t be rewards for old content that is revamped. The new mage tower should have the weapons. Wod and mop dungeons that are keystone hero’d (completed on time on a 20) should have some connection to the old challenge mode rewards. Having rewards that aren’t attainable adds nothing to the game, especially considering wow leans heavily into being a collection simulator.

Also worth noting the rewards allowing teleporting to the dungeons are already back and no one has screeched about blizzard betraying their exclusivity.


I’m against this but a few of the sets should come back, especially when they are significant to the lore or class fantasies (namely the warfront elite sets). I made a topic about this a while ago with picture examples.

It would be wonderful to be able to farm Swift Zulian Tiger again. One of my favorites mounts in the whole game, and it was snatched from under my nose with Cata’s release. Didn’t even know they were removing it until it was too late.

I just want some of the removed vanilla green items for tmog

as someone who managed to get the hydrophonic wraps before they were removed from the game i support this.

people buy mounts and items like the transmorpher beacon all the time. it wouldnt hurt anyone if old mounts or tramsmogs get put in the shop aswell, even more so if its between putting them in the shop or never putting them in the game ever

people would absolutely care about that, idk what planet you live on lol

Oh i know they will. Peope will bit
 “complain” about anything and everything. Just look at the forums, lol :smile:

If the only way to get the items is spending cash on the shop them it may tempt me in dropping a few bucks, mattering on what mounts/transmogs get listed

Why am I not surprised that someone who’s hardstuck 1600 wants old sets to come back.

I mean, is it really THAT hard to understand why this doesn’t work? Like one thing all you troglodytes have in common is that you don’t get how seasons/metas work.

Some sweaty SL Warr who plays Ret/War doesn’t come CLOSE to being good enough to have most elite sets from past xpacs lol. Same with people who convoked their way to whatever rating in SL S1.

Anyone with a 1/4 of a brain would get how this doesn’t work
 it’s even more evident for old glad mounts. You can’t be serious when you sit there and tell me that 2400 mounts = old 0.5% mounts lmao. You’re out of your puny mind


Absolutely not.

until you can actually give a legit reason quest rewards should be brought back because they mean so much to the entegrity of the game
 yeah, i am done with you. besides, Raiimir’s reaming you good enough on his own; maybe you should listen to him as well because

Bad post and it doesn’t even line up with where the reward was previously

reading comprehension must be difficult, i mean even this 2nd grader understands that this thread’s all about crying over removed mounts and xmogs, not quests.

this poor lil fella’s trying so hard

^ this right here. these vocal minorities are always fighting the wrong battles on the wrong hills.

It’ll never happen. Blizzard benefits too much off of FOMO and the community has too much infatuation with FYGM.

I have no problem with anniversary event items or special even items coming back. Those items only required you to do quests of just log into the game during a period of time to get them(see WOD Hog Bike). But things like Gladiator mounts or things that required real challenge need to stay gone.