Bringing back removed Transmogs and Mounts

My post was flagged as offensive and removed. Why would I take down my own post then repost it verbatim?

Your items have no value, itā€™s against TOS to sell your account silly goose

Value isnā€™t derived exclusively from monetization, silly goose.

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I had a similar mindset to you years ago but since Iā€™ve grown up Iā€™ve just lost the gatekeeping mentality. I understand where youā€™re coming from but it adds nothing to the game, at least when it comes to old stuff.

Thatā€™s a good tale, twist ending and everything.


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I agree limited time items are not cool. Planned or otherwise it stinks for the players who miss out. All that being said however, I stand firm that items advertised as limited time availability need to remain that way. Items taken away due to in game evolutions (Naxx, ZA, ZG, etc) should definitely be brought back. Those were never intended to be limited , it just happened by circumstance. Challenge Modes, Legendary Quests, Elite PvP, and Artifact Appearances however were advertised as limited and thus should remain so.

oh so you decided to repost it and continue to violate the coc?

The achievement still exists. There was no title specific to the Wrathgate battle in Undercty.

I clearly didnā€™t violate the coc, am I supposed to pretend like the automated system isnā€™t being weaponized?

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if they bring the challenge stuff back, what will the people who already got those looks get?

your post was removed? sounds to me like it might have.

instead of bringing back old rewards, how about blizzard makes new challenges with transmog just as cool as MOP and WOD cmode gear?

think of this from my stand point. if blizzard just re-opens the old cmodes, that does nothing for me or anyone else who earned them. blizzard should spend their limited time and resources on making new things that are just as cool. (that way, everyone gets to benefit from this)

take the mage tower. i think the new mage tower monk set looks WAY better than the MOP cmode monk set. And the fel were bear looks so much better than the legion mage tower bears.

i remember levelling this monk in mop and gearing him to do challenge modes then ultimately decided that the monk set looks awful and i would never use it.

i saw the new mage tower monk set and used my DF pre-purchase boost to boost my monk and work on the mage tower. it was fun, challenging and provided a meaningful reward.

bring us new challenges with even better rewards so that i can finally use a new transmog set on my characters. my druid, paladin and shaman have been using MOP cmode sets for 8 years now lol.

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id be fine either putting the tramsmogs/mounts on the shop or/and with a event that happens from time to time that gives you a type of currency to allow you to buy transmogs/mounts from a npc, a bit like timewalking

but hell, i just want the undercity bat mount. i left the game in legon and came back a week or two to late to get the mount



i feel like thatā€™s what many of the fomo crowd are actually asking for tbh.

feels good that they wonā€™t be able to just buy something for once :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Bring em all back, add them to a vendor called ā€œRemoved Stuff Vendorā€

Just charge 1 copper each

As a guy with many removed items, Iā€™m allowed to make this demand


thats what ive always said.

why? you got the items at a earlier date, why not allow people that missed it to get it now?

just shove them in the shop, make a currency or put them as 1% drp rates on some bosses, easy fix


i donā€™t like the idea of putting in-game rewards in the shop for real money.