Bringing back removed Transmogs and Mounts

Bringing back removed transmogs and Mounts. Specifically Elite PVP and Challenge mode. Having items that were removed in game makes some newer/returning players upset. If we had a way to obtain previous Elite/Gladiator mounts/transmog and Challenge mode mounts/transmog could help with subscription retention. Planned out below is my idea for how adding these items back to the game would be a fair way for people to obtain these items, like how they were obtained before.

PvP rewards:
Like how mounts work currently in rated PVP. After you get your first vicious mount, you get tokens every 100 games to get another mount. What if another token was added for people of 2k+ rating (or any rating deemed fit) that after 100 games won at that rating players could get a token for a previous Elite armor set. 2.4K+ rated games won, players could get a token for their Gladiator mount and every 100 played games after they get a token for a previous gladiator mount.

Challenge mode rewards:
M+ has rewards for getting KSM, with +15 giving you a mount. What if there was a way for players to get tokens that would allow them to get challenge mode rewards with? I have two ideas for this one. Idea 1. Players would hit 15+ (or any number deemed fit) and every few keys that are 15+ they get a token, like the PvP idea. Idea 2. Every key that is 15+ has a chance of dropping one of these tokens as a bonus loot option for players. It doesn’t need to be a high drop chance something that is 5-10% would be reasonable.

Having items removed from a game makes sense when they are broken or ruin the game but removing items to make them scarcer only hurts the game. People play WoW when they can, sometimes they miss an expansion due to life or sometimes they start the game for the first time after the game has been out for a decade. Adding these items back would give returning, new, and current players something to strive for and in turn, having subscription retention higher. As seen on twitter by Venruki I am not the only one with this thought.

There could always be a better way on how to make this work, this is just how I imagined it.



inb4 the coming storm of people “protecting” their digital shinies.


Dude, +15s are absolutely trivial compared to Gold CMs.

Hell no.

Plus, ngl, the sets are kinda dated. If they give us some cool M+ mog rewards, it needs to be for 20s and it needs to be brand new using all the new tech.

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I’m one of the very rare people that has most of this type of removed stuff, but will actively advocate for it to be returned (or ideally not removed in the first place).

Take the old ZG mounts for example, to me, the perfect way to handle that situation was to just put the mounts back onto bosses in the new dungeons as 1% drop chances, what has better value to us as a community, everyone having some cool mounts to farm? Or the 1% ultra rich types having something to cap on the BMAH every so often?

I know which one we’d prefer, and i know which one generates more token sales lol


Blizzard has done this before, they can do it again.

The original PvP titles and replica PvP gear was only available to those who climbed the ladder before the BC pre-patch, yet now anyone can get the titles and replica gear.

If Blizzard can find an appropriate way to bring things back, I’m all for it.


get good issue :100:

Can and should are two very different conversations.

I don’t care if blizzard brings back things that are no longer available.

I do care if things come back with extremely nerfed difficulty.

Want to bring back challenge mode sets and glad mounts? That’s cool but respect the original challenge in getting them.

You have to get glad to get a glad mount, you have to complete challenge modes to get a challenge set. For pvp mounts that means only current season gladiators could get them and for challenge mode sets it means reimplementing challenge modes.

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hey man the way I see it if the shoe fits wear it. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I do not have any of these and I say no.


Would be cool. I missed the Cataclysm anniversary event, would love to get that worldbreaker mount.


I just want the dang Grinning Reaver or the Grove Warden to make a return someday and it kills me that they probably never will. MAYBE the Grinning Reaver. Some kind of collector’s anniversary commemoration event celebration hibbidy hooplah, but I sincerely doubt the Warden will ever come back. It makes me really sad, because I want it so bad and I didn’t even know it existed until I found out it was unattainable.

I’d never do this. Spread the love, baby. I worked my butt off to get flying in Legion and WoD, now it comes with. GOOD. Now y’all who level don’t have to go through that mess. Fly to the top of a Nagrand floaty rock and take a screenie for me.

More stuff for everyone, I say.


oh well. should’ve played then.


I would rather they restore all the removed quest content like class quests, Warlock and Paladin mount quests for flavour, and the Pandaren cloak questline and Draenor ring questline for a complete story without the rewards.


No rewards specific to the participation of play in an expansion should be available.

Note: I do not have any of these and will not be getting any in the future. My stance is to preserve the integrity of the game.

Boohoo. Mommy and daddy should have taught them they don’t always get what they want and can survive without getting every ‘pretty’ they see.

Because the items are cosmetic, they are unnecessary to game play and, due all the cosmetics available in the game, they don’t need them for role-play assuring the newer/returning are still able to play the game in full so they will live.

You cannot create the exact same situation that they were earned in the first place due to player changes, class additions/changes, race additions ect, so it would not be how they were obtained before.


exactly. some people seem to forget that when we have removed content it often comes at the expense of the game. No new or old player gets to experience or re-experience old questlines like the WoD or MoP ones and they featured big story moments that are still quite important today.


rarity can exist in a game btw


It’s okay to have unique and limited time/seasonal/special/rare items in the game.

You mention new players, new players have nearly 20 years of content to absorb I can almost guarantee they care very little about the 5% of things they can’t get it.


I seem to remember a certain, translucent, damn near completely see-through horse mount that some brooding dead guy rides, that is highly sought after, that has been in the game since its inception. I wonder why that mount is still in the game but so many others have been taken out.

You know what’s crazy, I could have sworn there was a quest to skip to that particular boss that Blizz took out of the game at some point. Really makes you think. :thinking:

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what an asinine reply. for starters, xmogs and mounts aren’t content, so removing them doesn’t do squat to the game
 much less at some supposed expense.

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content is often removed alongside these items. I don’t give a crap about Glad or AOTC mounts. They are around every expansion. Pay attention to the game a little more. Quests being removed alongside items is not uncommon at all. This includes pivotal story moments.