Bringing back clones and bringing back MoS would make ERA a very populated place, once SoD ends

Great question. I had someone call me a toxic troll today and if you looked at his history 50% of his posts could be rightfully flagged for trolling. The OP of this called me a troll too for not liking changes and he insulted people in general too.

When I saw that blue post, even though it’s full of PR, I thought it was great that Blizzard decided to listen to the Era community because seeing stuff get pushed over from SoD was disappointing to so many. It’s sad to see the Era community divided instead of coming together and being happy.

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Protesting a change that really is nothing but an update to the way a buff, that you can already receive btw, is received is kind of a troll move.

I would hardly call that a change, either. The pvp change last year, in my opinion, was much more drastic, and actually had merit to calling it out as an unnecessary change.

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You forgot the people who dint want their game messed up by these dumb sod changes.,

You want that junk then go play sod, cata or retail.


No it isn’t because the explaination of why has been there.

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