Bringing back clones and bringing back MoS would make ERA a very populated place, once SoD ends

Good grief

And I think it ruins the integrity of the game. Might of Stormwind does not belong in Classic Era. This is not SoD. Players didn’t need the buff to be convinced the game is worth playing before, as evidenced by their presence, and they don’t need it now.

Blizzard rightfully removed Might of Stormwind. Let it go.

Also, I don’t want to attract people to the game based on changes being made. They are not the right fit for Classic Era. Go play seasonal content, classic progression, or retail.


Why would I get upset over this as someone who doesn’t care about popularity contests?

I liked the original Cata, I ran a progression raid guild and I’ve got lots of good memories, but my memories of it is more mixed than Vanilla.

I’m not interested in a repeat of it that doesn’t even feel authentic to where my good memories of the original Cata could be tarnished. Wrath Classic with its servers and changes did tarnish good memories, I wish I had never played it. :frowning:

I’m not going to go over the dozens of ways that Blizzard has made Cata different from the original but you know that they have.

The people who are into Cata are mostly just interested in things like raiding, gear, and rotations. Sure arenas too although those don’t seem to be doing great and RBGs. Every other part of the game could be burnt down and for most as long as they can zone into BoT, TotFW, BS and later Firelands and DS and do their rotations they’ll be happy. Even as they are sitting in their Retail clone of a guild.

Yes I say this as almost every person I know who still plays Cata is obsessed with WCLs, class discords and parsing to where these encompass the entire game for them. The people who wanted to play the real game left. Most didn’t go to Era, they are just done with WoW.

If you want to keep derailing make a new thread because I’m not going to keep replying in this one since you won’t stay on topic.


Mos was intended for SoD, not Era. It slipped in thanks to the shared platform, along with polearms for druids and a few other alterations. After SoD ends, the best changes of SoD can be incorporated into classic + for those who want that. Era is supposed to be as close to vanilla as it can be, and other changes to era can be reverted so that it is as close as possible to vanilla, while chronoboons, MoS, and other popular alterations can be available on classic +. Blizz should allow all era players to choose to move their characters to Era or Classic + once SoD ends.


Why do you brainlets think it has to be either 100% no changes or full on Retail in Classic.

It’s possible that the MoS change was more beneficial to the aspect of that “vanilla” experience in the current state of Era realms. In fact i think this was the case.

It encouraged play outside of just raid gdkp on Era realms and anybody that was actually online in Era for that week MoS was in, would have noticed that.


This is another fine point actually. Last thing we want it is attract more of the “Let’s change Classic” crowd to the game. I mean the sad truth of us hemorrhaging numbers is something I’d rather deal with as people come and go than to attract more of the “changes” crowd.

Jarl put it best in the main thread, people fought tooth and nail to get an official, preserved Blizzard Era server, and then people want to go and change it when we want to preserve it. It’s what we signed up for. The changes we allow today, open up the floor to changes tomorrow.


No they dont, and it’s even your language.

“The changes we allow”

It’s silly to think that because one is okay with this sort of positive change that they would instantly be okay with blizzard adding in just anything to Era realms.

Its possible to believe that MoS was a positive change in the realm of removing spell batching, and adding chronoboon and at the same time believe that SoD is too much change and substantially far enough to feel like a completely different game from Era.

Why do you think that opening the floor to such changes automatically implies that any change could then be shoved down our throats?


The PvP changes were “positive changes” WoW leading to what we have in retail were all “positive changes.” We have just the saying for this, it’s called “Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.” It wouldn’t exist if my way of thinking was wrong.

Our example is Retail. We’re trying to not repeat history. It’s a very glaring example of “Gimme gimme gimme” in the way of features and changes. What made WoW what it is today is your mentality of “this can’t hurt.” it was death of a thousand cuts. And it’s only okay until it’s something you don’t like, and what then? You got your way, so what stops others from getting theirs? We’re at this point because far too many people have been given an inch, and the inch is continuing to grow out of control.

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I think we maybe have fundamental reasoning for what exactly makes/made retail a bad thing to being with, but simply because it has changes or because its different is not on my list.

I dont think retail is a failure of a thousand cuts due to listening to the community.
Retail was a 1000 cuts from devs actively fighting the community trying to employ their agenda when the community didn’t want it and constantly shutting down community emerging gameplay behaviours if it didnt fall in line with the pre establish path the blizzard wanted their players to follow.

In this case blizzard is adding in changes that are aiding the emergent gameplay in era (world buff meta). So i wouldnt call this change “retail-esque”, not like adding in RDF or Token or Xmog would be, where there is a clear “we dont want this” stance from the community as a whole.


So you mean adding changes they hadn’t discussed with the community who didn’t ask for any of it wasn’t pushing their own agenda? Gotcha.

Fixed that for you

I dont disagree that a conversation should have been had.

And thats why Im now here with the community. Arguing for them to re-implement the buff, making my voice heard that this is the type of minimal change we want to see for Era. Its a change doesnt take away from the feel/aspect of vanilla while providing much needed QoL to some players.


Classic Era development has never been based around providing QoL to players.
FFS admit you play retail without saying it more.


And I respect that as I’ve said before plenty in the main thread. I respect your right to be heard on the matter. I thank you for respecting mine even should I not agree with it.

FFS admit you play retail without saying it more.

I play retail…

I play SoD, Era, Hardcore, Cata.
I play other games too.

Whats your point?


The point is that Blizz’s stated goal for Era is to authentically recreate Azeroth “AS IT WAS” originally:


So you are aware that the features you want are found elsewhere and that it’s okay if Era remain distinctive.

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Agreed. It was positive. Hope they revert. Alliance was buzzing all week with UBRS runs. Was awesome. We had SR scheduled for 2 weeks on our cluster after the first night or so. Would’ve saved us raiders a lot of down time.


Nice namecalling, it invalidates your entire post.

Blizzard specifically said that the last patch of 2019 was final. Since people paid for the cloning service, and Blizzard said so, how is someone a “brainlett” for expecting what was promised in writing?

Why are people who want MoS seem to want to just insult and cuss out people?

I know you don’t WANT a discussion, but when different people want different things for Era, a discussion is the only way that happens.

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