Bringing back clones and bringing back MoS would make ERA a very populated place, once SoD ends

Hear me out, the changes you made recently were quick and maybe not a lot of consultation went on for those. However, with those changes, some of the best QoL changes came to ERA. MoS buff was one of those gigantic positive changes that I think could promote play in the future when things like SoD, which are seasonal, end.

I think positive changes like these add elements to the game that promote actually playing the game which should be our ultimate goal. Please listen and look at the feedback you are receiving in these threads.

Example: If I am sitting in Barrens on my Alliance character, waiting hours for a buff, that is time I could be out farming or running dungeons, etc.


I disagree. Classic itself shouldn’t have any changes. But, they should add a Classic+ serverlist, for all the retail changes.


Rumor is that SoD is getting its own space to park and chill once the season is done. With all their gear and runes and added mechanics (including buffs like MoS) folks wanting QoL might want to check it out!

Era with convenience.
The plus that some have always wanted.


Not shocked that the horde with the ability to rez dispell folks, and grief people trying to get WCB is opposed to Alliance getting their own version.

Bet you didnt cry about the welfare ranking system they put in.


I have no issue with asking for things.
But if I feel those things could be harmful to what Era should be then my voice will be heard in dissent.

Regarding dispelling and other clever use of game mechanics two can play at that game, buff stealer.

Notice you failed to address the welfare ranking system that is now in place. But muh no changes. Lol what a joke.


Not the topic of this thread.
Create your own if you wish to discuss the pvp/ranking adjustments or review any of the existing threads.

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Nah. Ill post it here, and you’ll not answer it because its a change you’re in favor of… But you’re going to pearl clutch over Alliance getting their own version of the buff because you get less of a chance to be a PoS to people.


Because it’s irrelevant to the actual topic addressed by the OP.

SPOILERS: I didn’t agree with the pvp changes either. But continue with your pity party.

Clutch those pearls over a buff because it makes it harder for you to grief people dude.

The only people who are against it are griefers, and people who sell alliance WCB. Sorry it cuts into your griefing, and RMT.


Send in the clowns clones.

RMT more dude.


OK, so I wasn’t going to reply to this person thread - and I think that Asma is mostly trying to not derail this thread with talk about other things - but I, as a horde player not that this is truly relevant for anything more than gaslighting - very much opposed these PVP changes. I explained my position as a reply to Blizzard within 30 mins of the blue post announcement. I then proceeded to keep the same opinion for a long time after (and still have it but what’s the point of posting a lot about it now).

Without writing a lot more, Asma was one of the few people who backed up my opinion at every turn. Even when people were attacking my real life because they had felt gatekept in the past or whatever and they just had to be as nasty as possible.

So maybe don’t make assumptions about people. Five minutes of searching would have answered this question of yours.


Cool story bro. The guy still is advocating against the buff because it cuts into his ability to RMT sell the buff, and cuts into his ability to grief people getting WCB. People who get off on griefing people under the guise of “hurrrr durrr I’m only pvping”, and people who RMT are a cancer to the entire game.


You can believe it or not.

I don’t like changes that take away from the quirkiness of what Era is in a sea of more modern, accessible games. Yes, Horde got the big green dude that goes holy roller on us when we off a guy that was mean to his dad. It’s part of a long questline (similar to the Alliance one with Onyxia/Jailbreak) and both sides get things like that with lore and story where we get to be a part of it. If the devs way back when had included I dunno General Marcus Jonathan for example hollaring/giving yall a buff for completing a part of a long questline - cool.

But they didn’t. Encounters weren’t designed around Alliance having a buff given by the Horde leader. Time passed and players found through use of certain game mechanics that they could get a buff meant for the Horde. On the server I played in 2019, Horde were proud to fight for each other and the Warchief (yes it was roleplaying). Yes we would attempt to prevent disloyal (cappers) Horde from stealing the buff for Alliance. That’s not griefing. I don’t have any reason to want to charge others for a buff because when I play Era as Horde it’s Lok’tar ogar till I log off. Why else would I be in a Role Playing Game?

Sometimes things aren’t exactly equivalent. We may grumble but the best of us rise to the occasion and fight for success. That’s kinda how I feel about Era and why it’s important to preserve it in all its sometimes lopsided glory.


Sure but this isn’t SoD or Cata (what you seem to play now) where the games are so full of changes already that the people left playing will accept almost every change imaginable for QoL reasons.

You’re throwing accusations at people and claiming that they support certain things like PVP changes and RMT when you don’t have any clue if that’s even true.

I don’t care if you like the idea of putting MoS into Era but you don’t need to make stuff up about people like that (and I wonder if OP will recognize real trolling behavior like this - I’d bet money that the answer to that is no).


tHe PeOpLe LeFt PlAyInG cAta. Time for you to be upset, and your reality shattered with facts.

Era has 17k total players worldwide, and loses players everyday. Even more so now that folks were baited back into playing, and then Blizzard removed MoS. Btw only a little over 9k of those play on US servers.

Cata has 265k total. 110k of those on US servers. During phase 1 which is the worst phase of Cata. Firelands will draw in more because its one of the best phases of Cata.

Cata has 100k more players in the US alone than era does.

Check ironforgepro if you dont believe me.

You’re playing a version of the game that is hemorrhaging players. This simple addition of the buff was bringing players back to era to keep it alive, but keep on advocating for stupid things to keep the population low on era so you can sell the gold you got GDKPing to the people you GDKP with. Shameful RMT players like you make me sick.


This thread made me laugh, thanks for that OP.

It’s like a crossover from when family guy meets the simpsons or something, two thread topics that are beaten into the ground that are both never going to happen but always posted by the same people.

wtf, your whats killing the game. cata hasnt been above 10k concurrent in weeks, era might have 2k concurrent. if you logged onot biggest cata server right now there might be 800 people online.

Sod was supposed to last about a year, its now indefinite. Sod slowly turn into the classic plus we wanted but about a year down the road as they do a classic era style cadence release of raids. we never end up getting anything we actually asked for. They are in talks of adding content into cata now as well, new dungeons and mythic keys.