Bring Twink Queues Back

Here is what I feel: BG’s we’re better in Legion with templates and before that when queues were separated.

Now templates are gone and queues are combined and the experience is much worse.

I am not a Blizzard developer, all I can do is share my experience with the hopes that it gets improved.

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Twinks don’t cause people to play bad. Not knowing how your class works, failure to even try to gear, and lack of communication cause people to play bad.


Oh goodie, we’re back to “if you don’t like twinks you must be bad” territory again.

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I have elemental force on both weapons and you know this as you replied to my thread saying how OP that enchant is.

Also if you read about my experience last night you would have noted that my team was the one destroying.

So wait, you think buying a white slot necklace with no stats on it and two rings with no stats as a template is better then actively farming for BiS? Why? Because it was less effort on the players part?

It wasn’t perfect haha, but better than what we have now. The ilvl thing was silly at really low levels

I don’t think ever said twinks cause players to be bad. Stop being obtuse. I said, lack of coordination, missing gear, and general knowledge of the class does that.

Twinks belong in their own queue because they’re twinks and ruin the BGs for non-twinks. It’s that simple

If twinks don’t get queues, that’s their concern, no one else’s.

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When twinks had their own queues, people just found new things to complain about. I remember heirlooms making the rounds as the main cause of lopsided games, esp. since new players didn’t stand a chance against teams decked out in them. I’m sure if Blizzard had removed them, people would have moved on to other “sources” of imbalance. When it comes down to it, twinks have put in the time to get the best possible gear in a particular bracket. In such a gear-centric game, I’m amazed that people still have a problem with it.


That’s a nice way to weasel around saying lack of skill.

You did say this though.

Unless you think saying someone can’t play their class correctly isn’t calling them bad… somehow.

Item level encouraged easier access to twinking, and in my opinion was much worse for the system. I actually prefer the current system because it requires effort. To each their own.

Indeed, that is what is happening here too.
The next wave will be players crying for separated brackets in Classic this summer.

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So much this so many nerf this nerf that at low lvls or THIS IS OP!

this just proves balance at low lvl will never happen classes are always going to be broken.

Yeah, that’s because Heirlooms were wildly overpowered for quite a while. They’re comparable to, and sometimes worse, than regular dungeon blues now. Those complaints wouldn’t arise again at the same frequency, and anyone who would be complaining about it would be easily shot down. Plus around that time new players were actually pretty common, I don’t think that’s true anymore.

If twinks were re-separated, the only thing left with any legitimacy to complain about would be class balance. Problem is Blizzard can’t even manage that at 120, so complaining about class balance is just screaming into the wind.

Well, yeah, and let me check…

Yep, I think you just quoted me saying it again. I mean you can’t deny that lack of C.C. and polymorph, complete disregard for assists, absolute refusal to do call outs, teamwork, and class skills isn’t a huge factor in PvP encounters. You’re telling me ignoring healers in order to break sheep and sap isn’t a breaking point in most fights? Twinks are just as susceptible to poly, stuns, slows and crowd control. Breaking that lets them run free. So you’re saying that’s not an issue with class play? I’d love go hear how being a twink equates to a complete failure to shut them down.

Bg’s Had no XP in classic. You could not turn off XP, you had to sit in Orgrimmar to avoid levelling by accident. You only had a limited number of chances to get your BiS gear from dungeons because of that. Vanilla was very different than what we have now.

Oh I am very much aware, some of us have never left Classic.
A huge advantage is there for knowledgeable players.
I will save a spot on the forums. :rofl:

Actually, in some cases in the low levels heirlooms are just as blues if you enchant . When I get home I can link some examples, at work on break.

As I said before, just because there is another imbalance waiting, does that mean we should not even bother dealing with the worst first?