Bring Twink Queues Back

No handouts on patch day, I am tired. :kissing_heart:

This change is beneficial to keep the queues together and find a solution to the perceived imbalances. If we go back to separation, rerolling twinks have even more incentive to keep rerolling their twinks lol

That player has mass posted from numerous 109s, Idk what they are but some questing will help. :rofl:
“Abuse” is a common term for “gearing” to them.

It seems he needs to abuse some quests to get to a higher level. That or abuse the xp-off function blizzard gave us so he can abuse gearing as you said.


I’m struggling to see how quest rewards proccing higher rarities isn’t just a boon to twinks and twinks alone.

This makes the gap wider, since twinks will be actively seeking out procs and getting even better gear than before.

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I somewhat agree. But at what cost? Yeah there might be a lucky few who have a lot of quests they didn’t “abuse” and end up getting more epics than others. But most will have to fork up obscene amounts of cash to achieve the epics they want.

And really none of us asked for this.

Yea, this would help.


“Epics for Everyone” has a nice ring to it.

How would we begin to compare the different dynamics now?
What if said “Leveler” gets lucky and hits a nice “Purple Rain” lucky streak of Epic items? :thinking:

Things have gotten much more complex,
A “Questing Leveler” could very well surpass an Xpoff character.

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If nothing else, it’s because she should feel strongly enough in her data that we can see what we are actually comparing. It’s not a chance to go primal on her. She should allow the data to be peer reviewed.


This is why most people twink, though. They dislike the RNG of endgame when you run a heroic or mythic raid in HOPES of a warforge/titanforge. Nobody should have to get the same item over and over again for the chance it could be stronger, when the same conditions have been met. This is what makes BiS an ever-ascending mountain that people can’t reach.

I’m almost certain that there isn’t a SINGLE WoD or Legion twink that’s been playing since the xpac was out that has FULL titanforged mythic gear with both leech and gem socket in every slot.

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Even if we saw some statistics compared within a provided document, they would be outdated.

Comparison between a “Leveler” to an Xpoff character via 8.1.5 system is Endless.
Endless variables.

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Translation: “I don’t want to have anyone prove that it is unreasonable to expect a leveller have decent gear for BG’s”

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Your ramblings never cease to confuse me further.

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Translation: “I am going to say endless a few times, to throw them off the trail. I really hope it works. Maybe I can exhaust them into submission by bringing nothing of value to this conversation.”

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The trail? of self imposed disparity?

No, it is penalizing anyone who earned better stuff. Should arena gear be scaled down to heirloom values in max level PvP so people who show up in quest gear have an easier time? It amounts to the same thing. What’s the point of better gear if people aren’t allowed to use it?

I don’t even have any BiS toons, but I still have fun. I can’t imagine showing up with no gear/preparation and expecting things to go well.

Even if your suggestion were implemented, it wouldn’t help people who don’t improve their toons at all. There’s a lot more to it than just ilvl/gear anyway. There are professions, enchants, food buffs, etc., so people who put in more effort will always be more powerful.

People also need to learn the maps and play the objectives, but don’t try telling them that.


Twink ilevel gear is actually less/equal to a levelers.



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Ilvl means next to nothing. If ilvl was king, wouldn’t all the twinks would be running around in BoA’s. Spoiler alert: they aren’t.

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Read what I quoted. And yea some twinks do have an heirloom piece or two equipped.

Also, compare two toons of the same class and spec if you expect to be showing anything. Then look at the stats below the character and compare those.