Bring Twink Queues Back

I’m not sure how this became an argument. I don’t believe anyone ever said or was obtuse enough to believe Twinks don’t have an advantage over levelers. The argument was lack of cooperation, missing or severely outdated gear, no enchantments on heirlooms and not knowing the players class.

If a single player chose to improve two of the above criteria then they would have much, much less of an issue. You’re blaming someone for taking more pride in their characters gear then you. And considering the end game of this MMO, it’s a bit hypocritical.


My simple example to how All scaling gear is currently working was very well recieved and reviewed, Thank you.
Here is another simplified example that we can use to compare entry level gearing options to Middle Bracket and End Bracket options within the 40-49 Bracket.
This document is tuned directly from 8.1.5 PTR statistics.
Looking forward.
Interestingly enough, Middle Bracket Options x5,x6 are very close to x9.
One example, which can be applied to any Dungeon or Quest item.

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Just go purist, then you don’t have these issues. :smile:

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Sorry, but no. I used to like leveling via pvp. I had heirloom enchanted, and picked up gear through quests and dungeons. But going in to pvp and being 2 shot by someone, that’s not fun. And even if you keep up your gear, enchant it and try to play together, nothing will allow you to overcome this.

Have fun with your twinks. I’m done with pvp leveling, there is no point.

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How much are you paying? I accept anchor weed.

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Now let’s see on someone not missing gear :joy: That Pally still has 4 missing slots: neck, back, ring, weapon.


It looks like they were level 30 too.

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43 now.

People still send heirlooms from alt to alt, ya’know.

Yea and he has 3 spots where he could have them equipped, plus a missing ring

MM is dangerous all over Azeroth. :smile:

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…and? Are you genuinely trying to say they were in the BG like that?

Are you saying it’s not possible? I’ve seen a lot while leveling up.

I’m saying it’s EXTREMELY unlikely for someone to have enchanted heirlooms and then walk into a BG without a weapon.

It’s such a ridiculous reach to think otherwise.

Why? Even if the heirlooms are mailed to an alt, a ring slot is still missing… in the 40s

…Heirloom rings exist.

Try leveling an MM hunter and come back with your findings.
They will match up with what we have been saying all along, spec balance issues.

If you really want to be brave, head over to the hunter forums and start asking for MM nerfs.

This is true. Just saying, I have seen people missing gear in all brackets so it’s not that far of a reach. I’ve had someone high 70s BGs where they never upgraded their heirloom even once.

Have you ever seen a ret paladin missing their weapon? They literally cannot do anything without one.

I think even the most clueless of new players can understand they need a weapon.

Okay, fair enough. It’s still not uncommon to find missing gear

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