Bring Twink Queues Back

In what bracket and playing what classes…?

Man, now that 10-109 is being looked at I see 119 is being targeted, will these threads ever stop? There are already 5-8 twink threads on the top battlegrounds It’s just one bracket the current leveling bracket, and blizzard consistently does this every expansion. In fact, they are the ones who it appears to have specifically set the 119s potential ilvl to be so high with them scaling time-walking and anniversary gear to that level. I agree that I have yet to see 119s one shot anything with decent gear, and it appears that Blizzard has decided they wanted 119 to be in its current state otherwise they wouldn’t have allowed the ilvl to be so high. They always throw a power gear bonus for the leveling bracket, whether it should be the case i’m not sure but the power discrepancy isn’t that much, especially when considering its just one bracket and xpoff separation would likely occur(which it shouldn’t) for all the brackets.

Which most players are at. You are vouching for new-new players, and I agree, they are at a disadvantage. But twinks aren’t the only thing they are disadvantaged to

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The difference between a new-player and a leveling character not twinking isn’t nearly as huge; and twinks heavily outgear non-twinks with say BOAs either which way. But ya’ll have fun, I’m sure by the time I come back tomorrow it’ll be further along and the same thing being said despite the evidence of how much stronger twinks are vs either new-levelers or not-as-new-levelers.

Let’s reverse the question for a sec… Do you honestly believe levelers damage should be on par with someone who takes their characters performance seriously while the levelers just want to show up in what ever gear or lack there of?

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Goalposts moved as expected…


It’s never good enough

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Woah woah, you should only care about max level. Making your character stronger with some basic enchants on your BoAs? Why would you do such a thing?! Making sure you don’t have empty gear slots? Absurd. You’re ruining my game with all your effort nonsense.

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From the OP itself, which Hush and others have upvoted…

I know, I know…I should go back to work on that god awful UI of mine…

As I said in the other thread I made asking this exact question: I think a 20% increase is a good disparity (same class/same spec) compared to an average player. That should be more than enough to still be strong, especially combined with the fact you just stay in the bracket forever getting used to what abilities you and other classes have, whereas a leveller can win maybe 10 games before moving on.

What I see currently is BiS twinks doing nearly 200% dmg for the same abilities, I think that is way too much.

What’s an average player though? Someone who fills each slot or the guy missing 8 pieces of gear?

I am not the OP, and I think the gear disparity is over the top right now. You agreed with me on the other thread too saying 20% was a good disparity to shoot for. Gear makes a difference, but it is not the only advantage of turning off XP.

Is that the average player to you? Is certainly is not to me. As I said:

Heirloom level gear seems to be the average I see. But, Blizzard has the numbers, ALL the numbers and they know exactly what average is.

I presented 2 options… the player who fills slots or the players with 8 pieces of missing gear. Which is the average that twinks should do 20% to?

I said it, then said it again quoting myself:

Did you miss that?

Just wanted you to clarify. So the average person is like me, heirlooms and gear in other spots. They do 20% extra damage to me (which is close to what I see anyway) and much more to the player with missing gear, as it is currently.

Perhaps we are just overachievers? You answered for me and you didn’t even know it…

How do you feel about 300%? From a healer no less:

Not posting to brag, just to emphasize that perhaps we care a lot more about contributing and winning, therefore take the time to gear and learn the ins and outs of our class. At least a good % of us, there are outliers to this as well.

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If you as an ‘overachiever’, press the exact same button using the exact same talents and the exact same rotation and do 200% more damage for it, do you think that it justified?

Depends who it is against. The player missing gear? Heck yes