Bring Twink Queues Back

If you google it, you will find out that you just said a mouthful :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s shameful and demoralizing to the other side.
I’m leveling a worgen priest right now, 50’s bracket, and was GY locked every single game.
Later that night, I was twinking, and some people hit the horde GY, I stood in the middle with another twink, and we just watched from a distance, not participating.
Other twink was like “dude just cap, this is boring, let’s get the win and move on”.

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Yep it’s blown out of proportion in Bgs and on here.


Lol probably.

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Hey, I falsely “assumed” that everyone plowing me down was a twink, too until i started examining the folks around me and saw that twinks aren’t as prevalent as i thought they were.


You would not believe the thing I saw the other day I was in a av with some good boomkin in the 111-119 bracket he was doin work on dmg and kills and was 1 of the main reasons with a few others who won the turtle game a shaman was in that game too but anyways on to the main story.

got the boomkin and shaman next q the shaman was basically praising the boomy the boomy also never said a word in both bgs was totally silent. But this hunter on our team spent 99% of the bg using every possible bad word you can think of against the druid when he was silent.

It even got to the point where he was throwing the bg because of how bad it was. levelers are by far worse lmao they are toxic af. {also the people in the bg were defending the druid too so at least theirs SOME decent people left in the world} hope that dude got silenced


And that’s fine. Everyone is allowed to make mistakes.

I was just in total shock that the other healer on the team called me that just for marking him.
Uh… marked healers tend to get peeled better…
I mean this guy just went postal on me calling me the C word, the B word, and just freaking out over it.

Me being me was like “oooh tell me more” “talk dirty to me” because when someone does that, what else can you do?
And it’s always been a leveler… always.


No way. It’s been said that levelers are angels and victims all at once :joy:


RRiiiggghhhttt and I’m still a virgin.


OP has refused to exchange respectful dialogue with other players who understand the struggle.
Mass threads, without some form of educated response given.
Looks like another failed attempt to spread misinformation with false accusations.

Time and time again we are met with the same pattern of incompetency on the very subject at hand. :wink:


Not all the supporters are incompetent. Some of them seem to know some things.

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This is the Battleground forum and all, its helps to have played some instanced PVP since Legion (?) players who can add some viable information IMO. :wink:


Oh come on, we’re friends. We don’t use ad hominem fallacies against each other, do we?

Is this the usual experience for you? It is certainly not the usual experience for me. But we are just 2 people, Blizzard has the data on how XP-off skews the low level BG’s and I am just hoping they find a solution.

Templates and/or separate queues worked better and I am simple baffled they reverted both of those. BG’s were much more fun then.


Instead of spending all this time trying to turn pvp into a brainless free xp easy mode, you could instead spend a fraction of that time and a small amount of gold being competitive. You could always just buy a token if you want free xp with no effort.


If you google twink you will find most definitions include a lot more people than you seem to define as twinks.

from wiki-
"twinking refers to a character gaining equipment with the assistance of a higher level character, particularly by giving the low level character higher level equipment that is otherwise unattainable. It can also be used to describe the process of keeping a video game character at a low level while using in-game currency, earned by a high level character, to provide it with superior equipment"

Guess what you people that use heirlooms are twinks also. You need a higher level character to have them and its not something a new player with a new character can have. I am probably newer than you also and I can say from experience that when you are trying to PVP on your first character with no heirlooms their is a huge power gap. If there is any need for separation it should include all twinks by this definition, not your own special definition that conveniently exempts all of your characters.


I get a lot more praise when I solo queue on my twinks. Its stuff like:

“Dam that warrior is plowing through people”

“Kalo MVP! That’s how to monk”

“Boomkin is blowing people up <3 thanks for the help mr twink”

“You make me want to make a MM hunter, how are you that powerful”

“A ret that knows how to play! Are you queuing again?”

But when I queue with the community twinks 3-5 players, it’s a lot more toxic. The comments are more like:

“Dude twinks ruin everything, I cant even get a cast off”

“Twinks are scrubs that cant hang with the real pvpers at 120”

“Please stop queuing you all are ruining the bg experience for everyone else”

“Time to afk… Not going to beable to do anything with these TWINKS here”

I can only imagine what the opposition are saying.

It seems that the average player base appreciates the random twink here and there but greatly dislike the premades even when it’s their own team.


I never hear much in chat, about my team or the opposition. Not sure if it’s a time of day thing or what.

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I’ve noticed if I go in solo I usually always get a tell “twink healer <3” or something of the like.
The best was a few nights ago, I went in and someone says “well we lost… they have a twink healer” and someone says “so do we, so fair is fair right?”
It’s why I started doing this to begin with (that, and BFA is garbo), to heal people safely through my chosen brackets, certainly not to smash noobies and levelers, or camp the GY.
It’s a good feeling to help, isn’t it?

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