Bring Twink Queues Back

It’s not really a short amount of time though, it takes about 40 BG wins to go from 111-120. I don’t know if the brackets prior to 110 and 120 have this problem, or is it’s just because the Azerite necklace and Artifact weapons make people godly.

So you have “Twinked”, any other active characters?

Doing more BGs, netting the same results. Enemy team has more twinks and therefore win, and I can’t fight back at all unless I turn off xp and twink my character too. :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s the twink lottery! Count em up at the start to see who wins!

Nope, my 70 twinks just collect dust now, Haven’t played them in years, maybe Cataclysm?

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Yeah, 95 horde HKs to the 20 Alliance. I actually got 0 HKs while in the game myself! Neat isn’t it? Can’t kill any of them without twinking myself.

Hunter 30-1, mage 23-5, rogue 18-1, 13-2, 10-3…

That’s how it feels at 111-119 bracket as well, the warlock I posted in the SS’s chaos bolts hit so hard that his Soul Leech bubble was so large that my chaos bolt couldn’t even break through it lol.

Are the earlier twink brackets are ridiculous as the 110 and 111-119? After looking at your character and enchants, I do miss a lot of it, the minor run speed boot enchant, the LW and tailor leg enchants, libram helm enchants. I actually still have naxx 60 shoulder and ZG leg & helm enchants lying around in my bank lol.

Gear scales so gradually that entry level characters within the brackets can obtain viability quite easily. 10-109 is amazingly done in terms of balance and attention.
110-119 seems to be more of a challenge to balance due to merging of expansions and Azerite traits.
Those are some great old characters of yours, which document some real effort and have earned their right to play whenever they choose to contribute. :ok_hand:

OK, I Just got deleted by a healer at level 19. Balance and attention what? I literally cannot get a kill on anything that’s a twink for one, but especially anything that can heal. A holy paladin is topping dmg this game.

They made healers do dmg now there was a rdruid at 120 who was 4th overall in dmg

Then your not looking hard enough.
On a side note I just had a match with a paladin with 138k hps at 119k he basically sat on the gy killing people as they spawned.

Tanks can have that hp sure but I have never seen a ret with 138k

You have missing six missing slots and three whites equipped, at 770hp?
Once you get past the gearing up quests, progressing your Honor Level past level 1 will bring much more useful information.

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I have been questing 1-18, this is the gear that’s given. Honor levels don’t start until later, and do not buff your dmg or healing. To further gear my character at this level, I would have to turn off xp.

Like I said either you don;t pay attention or you don’t pvp much.

Well you can link your armory and ask for some advice, six missing slots and three white stat free items is not the best choice. :thinking:

That’s what I, as a leveling player get. I don’t have a choice. This is what a leveling player would queue up a BG in for this bracket.

Interesting, thanks for the response and compliments, maybe with this new 50 characters per realm change i’ll make some pre level 60 twinks, it would be fun running around with my naxx gear transmogged in a bracket where you cant transmog reprinted skins from level 80 naxx.

You have a choice to ask for advice, as all new players do.