Bring Twink Queues Back

Exactly, being a twink or not does not factor in, except that a team full of HK farming twinks can still win if there is enough of them.

idk what kind of bad luck you have but most of my BGs are not getting gy camped… on either faction


I get where a lot of the frustration comes from when it comes to twinks vs levelers or more accurately, relatively geared players in premades vs pug/levelers.

There was roughly a 4 hour window this one Saturday morning where all I did was battleground on my level 42 rogue in full heirlooms with chants/kits; I lost for 4 hours straight.

For roughly 4 hours I faced the same 7 twinks in just about every battleground. Sometimes there were only 4 of them other times 6 then 7. I noticed a few players alliance side in heirlooms but for base leveling purposes (only elemental force on weapon/s if that).

I made it to level 43 2/3 from fresh level 42 in 4 hours of straight losses. It was a wasted morning to say the least. I was so burnt out I couldn’t be bothered to log onto that character for almost a month :expressionless:.

It’s rough on those who want to level via battlegrounds (only). Its a huge mind freak or more like adds insult to injury when facing people that have no intention of leveling and more often than not, aren’t even going after the objectives (especially in capture the flag instances).

I cant say that levelers dont have it hard (almost impossible) when stepping into brackets highly populated with active twink communities. I really dont know what to tell them outside of “maybe it’s time to take some time away from WoW”. Kinda sucks to cause it negatively affects the already poor queue times.

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Really? I’m 46 on my Druid. Leveling via BGs is actually so easy. Even a loss can earn close to a level (assuming it’s not a bad loss)

All this talk about classic topped off with calling people trolls simply because they disagree. It’s like 2005 all over again.

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I leveled from 20 to 60 with no quests other then holiday quests and initial allied race quest, no dungeons except holiday runs, and battlegrounds. Is it frustrating? Yes. Can you work as a team and win? Most of the time. I’ve seen rando’s beat twinks when they work together. It’s a good fight but it happens more often if people play objectives and to their classes strengths instead of consistently trying to be a solo hero trying to take stables when all 4 other nodes are capped.


Poor leadership qualities right there.
My approach is like this,
"Come join us for some revelry, lets get you set up and up to par with some quick fixes."
Some minor recommendations, a few added tips which involve our tools of the Battleground trade and things have always worked out. I was level 40 when I went back to queuing on the 28th and now I’m 46, 1 bar from 47. 9 BGs, 6 levels. Not bad I’d say.

Yea, the xp potential is amazing but depends on the quality of the players on at the time of playing. You can get next to no exp for hours of all you get in wsg, bfg and twin peaks and they are 0-3 losses

Yep, my 3 losses were like that in the imgur I linked (maybe got 2-3 bars per loss) I find when you get a bad streak like that, take a little break and go back to it after 10-15 minutes or so

As I said before, just because there is another imbalance waiting, does that mean we should not even bother dealing with the worst first?

The worst of it are players not communicating and playing as a team. Blizzard added an in-game voice system so people don’t even need to download Discord. How many people complaining about twinks join the in-game voice app and encourage others to do the same? Happens all the time in MOBAs and shooters (even in quick and uncoordinated ranked matches), but I don’t think I’ve ever seen people avail themselves of this tool in random BGs.


By the time I get to the “time to take a break” comment they have already vented their whole WoW life and have nothing good to say about Blizz or BfA. If it’s an inquiring mind I gladly help but those are in few supply now adays.

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There it is.

Remove experience and leave PvP to the people who want to PvP and not just leech experience.



Hey now, I like my experience!

There needs to be another avenue for levelers who wish to obtain Experience outside of Dungeons, Quests etc.

A.I Warfront Style instances for lower levels would work so well IMO.


I mean, I do too. But I don’t do BGs while leveling for the experience, I do it because I feel like PvP’ing and you don’t find much of it in the world while leveling anymore =/

Players need a place they can go to break the monotony of questing, where they do not feel the need to have BOAs or full slots with gear/items.
It has been said before, some player types do not want to do any preparations.

Battlegrounds were never these places to begin with, maybe it is time for something new.

You are calling for separating the levellers from twinks here.

The circle of life.

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