Bring Twink Queues Back

Try leveling an MM hunter and come back with your findings.
They will match up with what we have been saying all along, spec balance issues.

If you really want to be brave, head over to the hunter forums and start asking for MM nerfs.

This is true. Just saying, I have seen people missing gear in all brackets so it’s not that far of a reach. I’ve had someone high 70s BGs where they never upgraded their heirloom even once.

Have you ever seen a ret paladin missing their weapon? They literally cannot do anything without one.

I think even the most clueless of new players can understand they need a weapon.

Okay, fair enough. It’s still not uncommon to find missing gear

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You would be surprised on what players decide to equip within instanced PVP.
After all, it is their personal choice.
Blizzard has provided every option for those who choose to obtain them.

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Also OP:

Blizzard, please bring back the dislike button. There is literally no way of oblivioning alternatively gifted individuals who have the nerve to blatantly contradict themselves in a same post.

The tiny grain of truth OP had about gems being quite strong en masse and possibly requiring a slight nerf has been singlehandedly completely negated by this most ignorant statement I’ve read on PvP forums in a while.

Gear item level accounts for 70% of twink problem. Gems for 25%. Enchants for 5%. Enchants are not even gear specific for goodness sake!
So just to give ya’ll an idea (since OP obviously hasn’t play the game past level 70):á

All items above iL158 heirloom/timewarped baseline these characters are wearing cost 30k-100k on AH each. See for yourself how pitfully negligible the gains from gems and enchants on those items are compared with the Item Level gains those items have over a baseline iL158 item.

For a comparison, you can stock up on 20 gems for under 20k even on high pop realm, or make those gems yourself, as gems are not RNG dependent unlike the world drops death dealers above are wearing.

So unless you’re go away OP, because you’re making the problem worse by diverting everyone’s attention away from the item level elephant in the room. Thank you for your full understanding and co-operation.


Who are all of these Armories you are linking?

Do you actually go out of your way to prove my points when I make them? Ok, so let’s review what we have here since you’re too busy screaming about winning when… well let’s review this. First, let’s look at the person he was fighting.ènà

Ok so, when so he was missing pieces of gear. Ok, hit my first thing I said players need to do before joining a BG. Just recently looks like he got a new ring, still has level 20 gloves on at level 33, so… yeah, undergeared. Looks like the guy just got level 33 there, grats on that. None of his heirloom armor has any kind of enchantments on it whatsoever. Not even his weapon, armor, nothing. Well, we’re three out of four things I said people could do to improve their gaming in a battleground. I have no idea if he’s working with the team since I wasn’t there, so can’t really comment on that. Looks like they picked up the correct talents per icy viens for a pvp retribution paladin. So, good job there.
Now let’s go to the person doing the kill shot, shall we?

Ok so, the interesting part I first notice about this ‘twink’ is every single piece of equipment they are carrying has been enchanted. Furthermore, almost the entirety of this characters inventory is not dungeon gear. This character literally has an entire set of BoE gear. Now, I do believe I said… hold on let me quote this for you:

You have a bad habit of quoting only one or two things instead of the entire conversation, Maudon. Not sure why you do that. I mean, yes, congratulations. You 1 shot a player who was missing equipment, 9 levels lower then you, and completely undergeared. I think you just proved my point. Don’t PvP in terrible gear and expect to do good?

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Why would he send unenchanted heirlooms to another character when he can simply go to his heirloom page and make 4 new ones? I will play devils advocate here and use your logic and say they were enchanted. If that’s the case why not mail them back?

He doesn’t have heirloom rings available.

You looked at the wrong armory, A+ work there. I mean good lord, Juga even linked it right after I responded to you.

Having full BoE is RNjesus? What are you even going on about? You asked for a one-shot without, and I’ll quote you here,

and I gave you a SS from a twink showing that. Let’s not start moving goalposts here. You got what you asked for.

I don’t even like arguing about one-shots, they’re exceedingly rare outside of the parameters you had above. Even with tons of buffs I don’t recall ever even seeing one ingame. This is a weird hill for me to be on.

Wasn’t me.

I snip quotes to make my posts less massive and to pinpoint exactly what part I feel the need to respond to. There’s no ulterior motive, nor “bad habit”. Literally just doing it for less clutter. It’s not like you can’t just expand the quote to see the entire source.
(Though sometimes I forget to order the responses right so it gets a bit jumbled. Almost did that during this reply)

It’s MaudEn, by the way.

Sorry, didn’t see that. Wow, this poor fellows in even worse shape then the one I linked. Ok so let’s see here. Enchanted chest, looks like BC enchant on the shoulders. I mean it’s free so why not. Looks like they have the PvP enchantment on the legs, interesting choice but ok then. Looks like he went up about 13 levels since the screenshot so it’s difficult to tell where his gear came from before that kill. I’m going to assume he wasn’t missing all the heirloom slots he has. Lots of things wrong talent wise, but again devils advocate I will assume he’s switched to PvE due to lack of PvP performance or gains. With that said, wrong PvP talent. I mean, auto trinket is for the lazy but… meh. Honor level 17 though. He should know better. This guy has literally played 15 battlegrounds in the entire career of this character and the majority of them are losses.

Let that sink in for a second. 15 battlegrounds. I mean i’m guessing he is sick of playing the character because he stripped main hand (which I assume was enchanted), and necklace (again assume it was enchanted) and possibly an enchanted heirloom ring? Furthermore it doesn’t look like the player behind this account PvP’s much at all. It looks like they casual and don’t do battlegrounds much. So with that said, this is a leveler. This is someone who was in between queue’s and said - I’m gonna queue for a BG while I wait for a dungeon. Nothing wrong with that, but again it proves my point.

Don’t know where this came from? I mean… I stated the character has full BoE’s… not… I mean… i’m so confused why you tied my RNJesus comment into that? Maybe I had it too close together, you didn’t see the period… I dunno. Periods denote the end of a sentence or a menstruation cycle for a woman. I’m using the punctuation choice with this to clarify so that wasn’t just a massive run-on sentence.

However! They’re the minimum level for this battleground. They’re at least running with some basic enchants. Wrong talent choices for PvP (if I don’t assume they changed them for the past 13 levels). Yes, someone one shot another character but to quote you :


The same reason people twink is the same reason people raid. It’s an aspect of this game and a choice. Nobody forces you to do it, however to enjoy one or the other there’s time that must be spent preparing for it. Some of us twink because we like gear progression and some of the others twink to dominate in battlegrounds. The same things happen at the max level but people don’t seem to understand that. If I make a fresh 120 I don’t expect to be put into a bracket where I can fight evenly against other players. That’s not going to happen as much as I would like it too and I respect that. I know people have been doing this longer then me and spend more time preparing their character.

In the sense of raiding, the same thing happens. I shouldn’t be able to drop into LFR immediately upon getting my ding and do the same damage as everyone else. Furthermore, if I do that, i’m not going to complain because someone does more damage then me because they spent more time, put in more effort, have more experience then I do.

This game rewards progression and already hands out enough golden tickets. If you don’t like getting kicked around in the battlegrounds then prepare for them. The excuse that (I shouldn’t have to!) in an MMORPG that encourages you to spend time, money, and effort on your character is very dumb.


You do realize if your exp isnt turned off even if all you do is Bg’s you will level up faster then you can gear up and be at the top right? If you cant turn off exp in BG’s the twink problem would be solved. If they split the ques then people that want to level or want to pvp would actually get enjoyment out of BG’s. The only people that don’t want the ques split are people that find it fun to turn off exp max gear and then 1-2 shot people because it’s fun to roflstomp some random, because they lack the ability to compete because they have no skill.

I won’t 100% agree here. There are people who turn xp-off because they only wanted to fight similar people and very much welcomed the queue split. The problem you’re seeing here is that the official forums are plagued with people from the other end of the spectrum, the ones who you described. They’re the ones who give the playstyle such a bad name.

And the only people who want it turned on are the cry babies who want the entire game given to them on a silver platter. And if you don’t agree with us you’re wrong because we’re right due to the fact kittens are adoreable! See? I can make absolutely nonsensical comments about why XP should be turned on or off too!

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What if I like tungsten more than silver?

You do realize that with BoA gear, you really only need to keep on top of 4-5 slots, and half of them can be bought through marks of honor right?

This is simply conjecture. We have history of players blaming twinks for their problems even during separation.


Is this including all the posts from twink alts who were trying to pretend there was a problem in order for Blizzard to switch things back? Let’s not forget them as they made up a huge amount of that.

Prove the vast majority of those posts were from twinks or eat your words

Prove they’re not or eat your own words.

See, I can create red herrings too.