Bring the Violet Spellwing Mount to BMAH

Why is buying a run more “deserving” than LFR?
At the moment I can’t recall if I bought mine or joined one of the many free groups that were helping folks get this, but either way, I don’t see that I was more “deserving.”

Personally, I HATE time-limited things in a time-consuming game like this. People should be able to play at their own pace. Also, new players shouldn’t be punished for not having played for the past X-years. Blizz can make the achievements time-limited (for those who want to feel special) while still leaving in the rewards, quest lines, etc.

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If they did that then they would also need to do it with every other limited pvp, achieve, event mount in the game.


It isn’t. I don’t like that people who buy it can get the mount with no effort. But not everyone who earns it buys it, so it wouldn’t be fair to take away the uniqueness of the “Ahead of the Curve” part of AOTC… The whole point is that you killed the boss when it was current, difficult content. Not came back next patch or later.

I’m not seeing this as a negative.


It’s a negative. People put in the work specifically for the prestige, glory, honor, and to show off their status as a player who could only earn that mount through hard work. Like I said, it’s unfortunate people can just pay for this type of stuff, but that’s how it used to be. I don’t think it’s fair to the people who put in large amounts of work to get what they desired, and to be able to show off, to have that available to everyone who just has enough gold.

Not everything is meant for everyone. If you want something, you should work for it in the way that it is meant to be obtained (or just buy AOTC…)

Which is why the achieve should definitely stay time-limited.

Still, I personally don’t really care one way or the other when the mount/whatever has been advertised from the very start as time-limited. What totally irks me is when Blizz decides to change the rules halfway through an expansion and make a vendor gold-sink mount time-limited just because they don’t want to see too many of them running around “in the future.”

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Is it?

World first raiders do a ton of work. I can waltz in 2 xpacs later and solo the boss for the same mogs/mounts.

Yet they still do it. What gives?

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And as I say with most of these “bring back X” - why not just ask for a mount with a similar look, rather than take it from a time-specific achievement?

Yes, its a pretty mount, so ask for it in gold, or green or black. Ask for it to be put into the game again, just different. That way everyone gets a chance to have it.


People know there were tons of groups giving away runs to the Violet Spellwing ya? Heck raiders do it every end of expansion and will have some days that are just 12 hours of running the end boss. They just ask is if you could donate to their charity(I think it was St Judes?) that would be amazing. They’ve raised some good money from doing these runs.

So ya, I have the birb. Do I care if they bring it back? Not in the slightest. I don’t much like it when stuff is taken out of the game.

Where is your famed slayer title for doing any of that?


Well the argument is to bring back cosmetics not titles. Pretty sure most of them likely don’t have famed slayer titles active at all times.

Even if they do, who cares. You think they are still rocking the famed slayer of Ragnaros from 15 years ago? Or are they rocking the latest wf title they have?

I think just add a time limit to it (old stuff doesn’t come back until 2 or 3 xpacs have passed) and move on.

World first raiders do NOT raid for the mount… They raid for World First. To take your point and turn it into one worth arguing, there may be some guilds who can achieve a full clear on Mythic for the mount, but I’d argue the main goal is Cutting Edge - again, not the mount. You’d be hard-pressed to find a group of 20 players who put hundreds to thousands of hours into a raid tier just for 2 mounts to drop a week.

It’s for the loot. It’s for the power. It’s for the achievement. It’s to show you’re a good player. It’s because you wake up and feel the need to show you’re better than 99% of the other people playing, and you want people to know it. As someone who was 12/12M in Siege of Orgrimmar, if you can’t identify with that, simply put, I don’t think you ever will. But don’t say people don’t feel that way, because they absolutely do.

I’ll make my point for myself.

The point is accomplishing something. The memories you make and share. The bonds you create while doing so.

When this game inevitably dies at some point in the future, I’m pretty sure you aren’t going to look back and think … “remember that X mount - it made it all worthwhile”.


This. Not in-game achievement. Just achievement full-stop (or accomplishment to not reuse the in-game word).

Still true without the mog, title, or mount.

Again. Still true despite the cosmetics.

So thank you for making my point, but I think you missed it entirely.

You have intrinsically tied the accomplishment to the in-game cosmetic reward. I bet most of those players probably don’t care as much as you think.

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NO. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT DO THIS EVER. If they cheapen my accomplishment I will be severely disappointed. If you want the mount, put the time in. If you missed out because you hadn’t discovered WoW back then, that’s just the way of rarities.

I don’t want free access to other peoples achievements simply because I don’t have them. I respect the achievement and move on. I’ll never get Gladiator again, but I won’t dare cry about not getting newer Gladiator xmogs and mounts.

Leave my Violet Spellwing alone.


Titles are cosmetics…

Cosmetics in WoW are things like titles, transmog, mounts, toys and battle pets. Basically anything that doesn’t give you player power

told you people care about their exclusive rewards :slight_smile: :nerd_face:

Yep. Just like the phoenix mount. And Friendship moose. I think it’s fun and fine to have some limited time earnings.

It’s a simple, easy, and respectable way to give something to long time players. When you take it away from us by giving it out later, especially with some dingbat, easily farmable method, it’s insulting.

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This is all I see and hear every time I read one of these posts demanding a rare item be made more commonly available.

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