Bring the Violet Spellwing Mount to BMAH

Does the management encourage customers who got those premiums to tease and mock diners who missed out on those premium items to make them feel bad?

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Are said items entirely unobtainable ever again, or can you buy them from other people?

Bad example.

Physical goods are not comparable to digital ones. One has an actual supply the other is infinite.

Btw already have the aotc in question so I cba.

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I personally don’t care, just playing devil’s advocate. You do have to realize though that alot of people feel that way. How would the game benefit if Blizzard catered to either side? In its current state and token business being what it is…

We also have the associated mounts and transmog along with those dates :slight_smile:


True, completely forgot about famed slayer titles, haven’t been playing for a little while so I forgot.

Yes blizzard encourages us to make fun of you. In that case this beautiful ignore option works.

I love the Violet Spellwing!

I don’t have it, and I hope they never bring it back. These things are meant to be rare.


No its a fine example that fits the point being made. Throwing a fit because you want what someone else has.

I don’t understand what you mean.

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Am I the only one that finds it ugly? Objectively speaking, it looks made out of paper while the same expansion rewarded quite a few interesting ones with actual 3d rendering. The raven they gave with 6 month sub is so much better in every way. Someone even pointed out 3 alternatives with a similar color scheme.
As for LFR, I disagree that they should not get rewards… In fact, there are a few good looking mounts you can get from it and I think that is fine. There are so many mounts added every expansion, I find it hard to believe that someone would not find something suitable to their tastes.
In fact, every covenant rewards a few mounts, even a flying one.
This strikes me as a consumerist society mindset issue and nothing more…

Lol what?

I have the mount and that mount does absolutely nothing when I log off. Put it on the BMAH.


What? Nothing in the game does anything when you log off

Exactly, which is why I don’t take this game too seriously. Loading screen tip even says so…

“Bring your friends to Azeroth, but don’t forget to go outside Azeroth with them as well.”

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I want to know how someone is harmed if another person is able to collect a cosmetic, which has 0 impact on gameplay.


A large amount of people only raid to get AOTC to get the mount. As someone who has this mount, as well as SoO AOTC mount (wolf), and HFC AOTC mount (Flying moose), I do not want to see my achievements that I worked for (and I mean my months of raiding and putting effort in) diluted.

I’m not sure on your definition of “pay to win”, but I’m pretty sure paying gold cap for a now unobtainable mount, that was only ever largely possible to obtain (without paying) through hard work and time put in, classifies as “pay to win”, especially if you spend money on WoW tokens to pay towards the bid. These mounts are to be earned through effort, skill, and teamwork, and I’d argue the majority do earn them that way. It would be a shame to take that achievement away from those people.


They lose their ability to be unique.

If I see someone with the same transmog or mount, do I get upset? Haha, no.

Clearly they have excellent taste to match me! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

You can/could buy any AOTC, so doesn’t that already dilute your achievement?


If video game pixels are required to give someone that feeling…lord have mercy.

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It absolutely does, and it doesn’t need to be diluted further. I’m sorry, but you should have been there to earn it and put in the effort, or paid for it at the time. If you’re willing to pay for the mount years later in the BMAH, you should be willing to pay for the AOTC. They’re both pay to win.


It’s a FOMO reward. I disagree with this completely.

I think it even had a few streamers doing friendship moose streams if memory serves (or maybe that was Legion).

Either way who cares. You still have feat of strength.

Also most achievements are obtainable well past their “difficulty” stage.

I won’t lose any sleep because some guy got a cosmetic mount from 6 years ago that is just sitting in my virtual dropdown (not even inventory).