Bring the Violet Spellwing Mount to BMAH

K. That’s not the idiom, though.

you snooze, you lose

“If you wait too long to do something, that opportunity might become unavailable. The phrase can be used as a warning for events to come, or to describe past things that one has already missed.”

But it hasn’t been removed. I can hop on mine any time I want. So can everyone else with the mounts. I’m sure you’ve got quite a bit of direct statistical data linking AOTC mounts as a causal factor of the game’s poor health. Shoot Ion an email, he’ll get right on it.

Seems like you at the very least could see it from our view, with the additional caveat that you proposed. “I could see” is oftentimes a form of agreement, although that’s admittedly difficult to determine on forums where the only thing to go by is text as it’s written. That’s all. Misnterpretation of tone I suppose.

That is why I followed it up with, “it has to be expensive”. Given the gold cap is 10M on any one character… expensive means lots and lots of gold. Something like starting it at 1M or higher. Like most TCG mounts are atm.

But it is clear you only wanted to read what you wanted to read.

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Nope, I read it exactly as how I described it and admitted a misinterpretation, so I’m not sure why you’re getting hostile.

Or rather than add things to be purchased with gold (“Any Swipers?”) why not make old AotCs function like Herald of the Titans?

A: “But we don’t have artifacts, legendaries or tier sets anymore for legion content!”

Me: “So what you’re saying is there are far fewer items to add to character power and thus possibly making level 45 (old 110 content) more difficult?”

Hell since legion a character that stayed 110 actually lost access to a talent row.

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There is too much time-sensitive material in the game. It serves as a barrier to new players who have little invested and every reason to quit after finding out the best stuff is gone and they can never have it.

Making people feel bad about the game doesn’t actually serve as an incentive to a new player to perpetually subscribe.


This is a fair idea too. I totally forgot about Herald still being around. Powers now are certainly different than back then and keeping that achievement around is a non-issue.

They kinda are. Getting the standard mythic kill title is not that much of an achievement compared to the, “Famed slayer of X” titles if your guild is one of the first 100 on that faction (worldwide) to kill the final boss on mythic. And mythic bosses tend to be hard to do even when they are an expansion old. Mythic Azshara is still a pain to do simply because of those damn intermissions, even though the rest of the bosses in mythic EP are jokes now. Mythic G’huun is just as bad simply because of the way the orbs work. Having to get 2 of them in at the same time (within 3 seconds of each other), 3 times for phase 1 alone is painful. You need at least 12 people to run all the balls (2 people per side for each orb run) if you don’t use any cheesing methods.

So by the time one could solo something like Mythic G’huun, the boss would’ve been nerfed to the ground (for the reasons stated above) so the title wouldn’t be much of an achievement.

how are you gonna be aotc when the content has been defeated years ago already when it was relevant? they give you forever to obtain those aotc mount rewards, no real excuse for missing them unless you literally took the expansion off

this is just another ploy to push wow token purchases with bmah battles imo

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There’s a big difference between earning something and buying something. Something earned generally is something that people are proud of. Its an achievement. As soon as you take the reward for that and allow anyone to get it afterwards you invalidate and undermine all the hard work and pride that people have in their efforts. Who would want to play a game where that happens? What is the point of playing when you can just wait and then buy it.


I’m not following your logic. You already can buy achievements/mounts without putting in effort with current content.

It’s not elitism as the other person said, its that there should be rewards tied to higher content to make people run it, not be free hand outs.

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Sure was fun doing pugs to kill her last summer. Whole fight is wonkers, and even told to be on lengthy side of beam early on, I noticed people would choose to stick with habit. BoPs don’t grow on trees y’all.

Also learned that people are blissfully unaware alot of the time when they are selected for mechanics (mainly spears).

And good luck telling CE/high io pumpers (aka fire mages) to hold on the gas cause you’re forcing p4 too early, when we still need last maiden.

You are basically encouraging blizzard (who is trying to repair their reputation given the recent scandals) to break promises they have kept. All because you want a mount that you probably will never use.


I suppose you’re right. Would you play WoW if you could literally buy anything you wanted? I wouldn’t.

You have the date of your achievement. If you are so insecure that you think anyone who got anything whatever later than you has invalidated the fact that you’ve worked the game like a full-time and a half job for 16 years, you’re the one with the problem.

This is a game. It is sold as an entertainment product. You are not the only one entitled to be entertained after purchasing it. And if what you find entertaining is making other people feel bad, then you are bad for the game.



Did they actually make a promise that the items will never return (when do they ever promise anything anyways)?

And I absolutely have the mount, so I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at.

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You go to McDonald’s or bk and throw a tantrum when they get rid of something labeled as limited time to?


Ah yeah. They tend to put in a message that something may come back if they remove it if they have plans to actually bring it back. Like they did with the MoP CE mount and pet.

They have done no such thing for the Kor’kron War Wolf (AotC Garrosh), Grove Warden (AotC Archimonde), Violet Spellwing (AotC Argus) and the Uncorrupted Voidwing (AotC N’zoth).

Also the final raid of a tier usually lasts for far longer than other raid tiers in that expansion. Which is why they started the AotC mounts for the final raid of an expansion…

Almost like blizzard knows the raid will last for a long time so they give something for people to chase and keep them invested if they don’t normally go for something like AotC.


All I would want is more living museums in the game, and removing the wowtoken plus BMAH. All the stuff that was on there put back in the game and the restore it in a manner similar to Herald.