Bring the Violet Spellwing Mount to BMAH

Oh, I’m sorry it wasn’t clear. Allow me to clarify:

Yup, clear as mud, quoting a statement that covered others and responding to it with “you”. Bravo!

“BuT muH SPecIaL PixELs!!?!”

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I’m sorry to hear about your disability…but let’s be honest here…the world isn’t fair and can’t be evened out to give everyone everything. Humans have had a history of rewarding for being better then others in something.

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…we’re talking about a video game reward. Lmao how does that logic apply at all?


Things like this make me think of “Tribute to Immortality”. Things that you likely couldn’t get carried through and were absolutely true feats of strength.

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i have so many mounts i dont use wish i could sell it to ya XD for 1 mill gold

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Merriam-Webster definition 2:

“—used to refer to any person or to people in general”

Not sure what point you think you’re making, but learning English would be a good start to scoring irrelevant forum points.

Kind of like the grove warden mount that so many people bought carries for during the content drought at the end of wod that just seeing anybody on it told you they bought it. I recall deleting someone from my friends’ list who kept broadcasting “Respect the mount!” Yeah, right. No raider would have been seen on it at that point.

So we should change those achievements to “Just a Bit Behind the Curve”? I mean, its a reward for doing something at a particular time.

Sighs and shakes small attractive head

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It applies to everything. Every aspect of life. Nothing is exempt. Ant’s have queens who are better then them and workers will never be anything but a worker. 99.9% of humans will never get the Nobel peace prize. Someone in a contest will always get a first, 2nd, and 3rd place trophy but the rest get a participation reward or nothing at all. In this case, this mount was awarded with the intention to people who raided heroic and not normal or LFR.

Ok I’ll bite.

“a shout of approval”

But yeah, your trolling is pretty sub-par. It’s a shame that shiny pixels bring out the worst in people.

I’m not sure what trolling you’re referring to. You struggled to grasp who I was addressing, because you clearly didn’t understand the flexibility of ‘you,’ so I educated you. So far the only person whose worst has been brought out is yours, as you use snark to substitute for an actual point. But, if that’s what you need for validation, I’m not one to judge.

This is a game, not real life. It’s designed by people who have goals.

When the goal of making long-term players happy they got something that later comers will never be able to get conflicts with the goal of attracting and retaining new players - which it absolutely does - there’s a problem.

You may feel that new players shouldn’t feel bad when they are told that they can never have that really cool thing and then are trashed for not having subscribed before they ever heard of the game because you like making new players feel bad, you’re part of the problem, too.


Flexibility of the word “you”? Lol

There’s a word you might have heard of if you wanted to address others instead of the person you directly responded to: “they”.

Anyways, the mindset of locking away cosmetics because someone wasn’t able to do something at a specific point in time is detrimental to a video game, especially in a video game where people paid box price for the content + $15/month for access to the content. But hey, if you think removing content from a game is good for the game’s health, then more power to you.

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Well considering that

  1. Mythic Armor has never been advertised as “limited time content”
  2. AotC mounts are advertised as limited time content.

You are comparing apples to oranges.


Agreed, when elitism spreads outside of competition and into something casual like cosmetics, there’s a huge problem.


I never understand these topics.

This is like saying: “I wasn’t there for the vanilla AQ opening, but I want the Scarab Lord title and mount anyway because I like scarabs!”


If something is time sensitive, blizzard usually tells us months or even a year in advance. AoTC and cutting edge came to WoW in MoP. It wasn’t until SoO that AotC had a mount tied to it and since then every final raid of an expansion has given an AotC mount.

I could see blizzard bringing back the AotC mounts through the BMAH, but they need to be expensive with the starting bid. Which is honestly funny since some of you, “blizz should bring back things like X because reasons” are normally against people buying things like AotC with gold but you want to buy the mount with gold via the BMAH?


You’re arguing with someone who’s on the same side of the fence as you - they want to see the mount come back in BMAH, like myself. You’re just not simply entirely aligned on the philosophy, but fundamentally agree :slight_smile:


I don’t agree that these should be brought back with the BMAH. I said if blizzard did do it, it should have an expensive first bid. How did you get, “I agree with you and Krad” from that?

Besides, given what has gone on recently, are you actually encouraging blizzard to break a promise? They have said numerous times that things like AotC and their respective mounts are time sensitive.