Bring the Violet Spellwing Mount to BMAH

What about the folks who weren’t even playing during Legion?


They don’t deserve it either, I guess.

Edit: For the guy who liked it, it was sarcasm.



What about the mythic armor sets than anyone can go back and obtain from soloing those old raids? Are those okay to be available but the mounts need to stay locked?


Bring it back! Set the forums aflame!

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Such a regret I didn’t buy a run at least to get it since I started in Legion and sucked bad at raiding.

I wouldn’t be against them putting it on the bmah to be honest.

I feel like this need to cut things off for others just to feel special is so childish.


I hope you never have to deal with a disability.


And that’s fine, they were there. Boosting has always been a thing and when it’s with gold, it is healthy for the in-game economy. You should be able to sell your skill in a video game.

I disagree. I think some things should be time exclusive.

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IMO, there should be an alternative. I never got the plagued proto drake, but I don’t think I deserve it, even as a collector. I wasn’t raiding that early in my wow career. Something that looks similar enough, but isn’t the “feat of STRENGTH” coloration that people push so heavily for when they’re in current content.

Well, I only did LFR in Legion and got it (because I bought it).

Clamoring onto “it’s special and shows who put in the effort to get it” type of arguments I see are meaningless, and always will be until paid gold carries are no longer a thing.

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Then it’s a “you snooze you lose” scenario


I would be okay with these being an ultra rare droprate mount like many of the mythic mounts become.


So I’m confused. Before it was about AOTC being an accomplishment. Now it’s just about simply being around during the expansion?

I don’t care about boosting but don’t make the argument that it should stay exclusive because people “earned it” and then be fine with those people who boosted it without putting any work in.

Regardless it should still be available. Blizzard picks and chooses seemingly at random what items stay in the game and what items are time exclusive and it doesn’t seem to depend on whether or not the content is difficult.


This could work too.

I missed the WoD moose from heroic, but I don’t care. You simply weren’t there at the time if so, and it is what it is.


I mean, it’s both. If you have the skill to earn it, it should stay prestigious. If you were there and had enough gold to pay other people to use their skill, I think that is earning it in a way too.

The only nuance I could really see in this situation is that you can buy tokens and thus buy AOTC boosts, which I think is stupid and a deeper rooted issue.

Not really, AOTC mounts have been discontinued after the tier since at least MoP. It’s not some new thing that they just thrusted upon people at the end of legion with no warning. The only thing where I believe they randomly removed something was mage tower.

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Sure it should, you snooze you lose. Deal with it.


What I mean is you have AOTC mounts that are exclusive, yet the much harder rewards from mythic raids are left in the game to be farmed by anyone of any skill level once the next xpac drops.

So to me it doesn’t make sense why they gate certain things but not others if it was really about skilled players “earning” exclusive rewards.

Who are you addressing? Me or those others who don’t have it?

I think gear usually stays because the stats become irrelevant. I am all for adding additional rewards to mythic raiding that become discontinued. I personally think the really cool mythic kill titles should be expansion locked.