Bring original Dungeon finder to WotLK classic

Naw the most destructive feature is my pvp rogue that will be camping you clowns at the dungeon entrance in your useless heroic gear with no resilience. You’ll welcome lfd when I’m through.

The virginity is high with this one.

you’re right, so do I

I mean the players are already gatekeeping the game to death so why not have Blizzard get involved.

This comment was funnier than it should have been.


he aint lying tho! its gonna be something like, “wE hAvE lIsTeNeD tO mUh CoMmUnItY…”

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wondering if blizzard will wait all the way until phase 2 to add RDF back in or if the cancelled subs will cause them to add it back in sooner.

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In patch 3.3 (or whatever).

I do agree it’s a hallmark element. But Cata was WoW’s most successful expansion strictly on a subscriber basis at least.

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Uhm, it won’t be phase 2 I don’t think. It came out with ICC so it will be like phase 3/4 depends on how they release the raids I guess. maybe even phase 5? if they really space the raids out.

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not sure their investors will let them wait that long

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I am 1000% in favor of bringing RDF back. However, I will say that the lack of RDF in prepatch has promoted more 5-DK blitz squads in dungeons which is a crap ton of fun. That being said, one of my favorite methods for levelling is questing while in queue. The random dungeon pop every 30-45min breaks up the experience and its a ton of fun for me. Not having RDF forces you to actively find or build groups which is annoying as hell when you’re trying to quest. Plus you get removed from your questing environment to go to the dungeon and back. I’ve been reading the threads on this topic since the day it was announced and there is not a single argument in favor of removing RDF that has not been summarily disproven on multiple fronts. Removing RDF and Nerfing Soar in Dragonflight are the two stupidest things blizzard has done in a long time. They are astonishingly easy wins for Blizzard’s reputation (undo Soar nerf and just copy paste in RDf from original Wrath) that are overhwelmingly supported buy the community. I don’t understand how they are doing such an amazing job responding to feedback on talent trees for DF while simultaneously failing so hard at hearing the SCREAMS on these topics when the solutions require zero effort from them to implement.


Yep, I think they’re still pissed off at the “You think you want classic, but you really don’t”. To which they turned out to be monumentally wrong about that.

So now they heard a few morons say “dungeon finder ruined WOW in WOTLK”, so they’ve latched onto that minority of people, knowing it’s incorrect, so they can revert it upon WOTLK Classic release and say "See the community can be wrong about certain things and Blizzard knows better. Their ego can’t handle losing so they need to get one back.

I rather the lfg we originally had this cannot get a group or item because some noodle thinks he is entitled to an item more then anyone else and has it reserved i am over this bullshiet we all pay to play and no one is entitled to anything more then anyone else.

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