Bring Flex Raiding To Cata

I never once said this was wrong. This is how random queue’s work.

What I’m saying, is your a hypocrite for condemning gatekeepers and demanding a system to be put in place not out of a necessity, but out of pure selfish greed because you refuse to work as a member of a team in a team setting. YOU don’t deserve to be in any group content at all, with anyone.

Everyone should exclude you because you’re a selfish person and not a team player as evidenced by your lack of ability to even gem your gear with stats that even give you any sort of tangible benefit. That is pure ignorance at best, or actively griefing those around you at worst.


Right. Why would I want to play with anyone like you?

Does that also apply to random BGs, skirmishes?

I’m demanding a system so that I can access content I want with my preferred method of grouping, a random concoction; it’s as simple as that.

You never would get the chance.

Yes, those are team settings. Do you not have other players around you, working with you to a common objective?

If you slam your horse blinders on tight enough, sure.

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Well that was a point I tried to discuss with you in good faith. But in bad faith, you took it in another direction with gaslighting.

That’s why I’m not really taking you seriously with anything you have to say.

Your first post to me that kickstarted everything, was you double posting without a response from me, telling me to, well, let me quote it.

I even tried to be nice and just disengage, but you wanted my attention, and not in good faith either. Don’t sit here and lie like this.

You engaged me with a chip on your shoulder but bit too much than you can handle. I was raised in Mw2 lobbies on the 360. You’re an infant to what I dealt with.

There never was good faith from you, just argumentative “absolute” points that are so bare bones and basic that it instantly shuts down any topic because you can’t handle any possible push back. It’s why you keep trying so hard to divert back to this, it’s your cope and only way of handling it, since you lack any logical or rational response.

You say it too often for it to be true. Hide the pain Harold.

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All you quoted was where I called you names.

You didn’t quote exactly what we were arguing about.

It’s completely evident by the fact that you continually respond to anything I say.

Looks like we’re going to be here a while.

That’s not the defense you think it is.

It wasn’t an argument. I didn’t even reply to you. You went out of your way to get my attention. Deal with the ramifications.

Now if you’re done derailing this thread, you already know what flex raiding is as I have explained it to you and you even conceded. So, why are you still here? You’re not getting my number, you need to have logs for that, or hit 1800 rating atleast.

Because you keep replying to me.

Arena is a rigged game, it may never happen.

Not at 1600s it isn’t hahahahahahahaha

you’re just bad

I’m losing to teams that don’t have 1k rating. It’s a rigged system.

Uh huh. :point_down:

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uhh just bring flex raiding to cata blizzard

and with the person who said i have 17 finding the rest for 25 shouldnt be a problem, well 25 isnt the answer, people have things come up. People have mortgages and kids and lives now. Crap happens, it is always advisable to have a bench. Which would bump that number up even higher.

I wouldn’t have to find anyone if flex raiding was in the game, cata will most likely die without it

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If it were just me saying that you’d be right…

There does seem to be a general consensus amongst the overall arena community, not just those 2k+, that the arena is rigged.

Those arena carry-sellers; in order for them to be able to sell those kinds of services, the system would have to be rigged for them to be able monetize ratings and arena gear like GDKP.

They know very well, especially all the plate-wearers, that they’re in a position to game the system; and, that’s why they’re able to sell arena carrys…

They know they can guarantee wins…

And in a PvP setting, if you know you can guarantee the win, is because a fair chance at even competition doesn’t really exist.

Sounds like there is more bad players than just you.

I hear my silver friends cry out about smurfs in Valorant, then I check their trackers and the “smurf” got stomped 5 games in a row and quite literally just had a good game when my friend played against “the smurf”.

There are bads who lack the basic fundamental understanding of the game they play, everywhere.

If you’re so bad that you can’t win a 2v1 against a guy carrying some drooler then you deserve to lose elo.

If you can’t win a 2v1, you deserve to lose elo.

Yes, because they know they’re playing against players like you.

True, because the competition is you. You have a half and half ele/enhancement build, with mix matched gear and mix matched gems and enchants. You have a tank trinket with on use dodge and a caster staff with a parry gem and agi enchants.

You have the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th bis major glyphs, but your 3rd/4th are interchangeable and situational. You’re missing your best glyph because you don’t have Feral Spirit, which is what your best glyph is based off of.

Is it really rigged, or do you just suck? I’m sure it’s the latter.

Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → Everything I said is right there in your face, viewable for everyone to see. Nothing I said about your gear is a lie as of this moment. If you go change it, good for you. If you don’t, well, the evidence stands.

It is, when you are forcing it upon players who don’t want to do arena for the best PvP gear.

Then that sucks then. Don’t get the best pvp gear then.

But it doesn’t change the fact that if you’re losing a 2v1 against a carry and a drooler, that’s just on you. Get better.

No? You’re the authority on what I can’t or cannot have?

If that’s the case, all geared earned through arena needs to scale down to BG level gear.

Your comprehension is garbage. Blizzard says you can’t, since the system they currently have requires points that are obtained in Arena for the most part. You can get catch up and little drips elsewhere, but otherwise, Arena gear is for Arena players.

That’s the system in place. If you’re too dumb to understand that, well, makes sense really.

You craft your own narrative based off of ignorance and lack of understanding. This needs no rebuttal because it’s based solely on you being wrong in the first place. Try again.

Nor does any of this change the core of what I said originally. If you can’t win a 2v1, that’s on you. Maybe change your gear around to actually work, and fix your talents. Maybe then you won’t get stomped into the ground at 1600s.

What you’re in effect saying is…

BGers don’t deserve to have the best PvP gear possible, and when they encounter arena geared players and were at a disadvantage simply for the content they prefer to do, they deserve to be overwhelmed, even if they could never offer a fair fight due to the circumstances outside of their control.

If I can’t win a 2 v 1, then there’s something wrong with the classes in question, for 2 of them to not be able to down 1 player, and for the other to be too powerful to be able to win by mere, cheesy play.