You do every time if you’re asking for permission to join a raid. I get it, you don’t do that and that’s what LFR is for according to you. This just leads into another fact that players don’t have to play with you and can kick you.
You just refuse to understand that I support LFR. I even explained how I farmed Battle-Scarred Augment Runes in BFA through LFR, which was one of the three ways to obtain them.
You need to be reeducated on comprehension my friend.
I doubt you, because you keep saying how you quit in cata and haven’t touched retail. You supposedly know so much about a system that only exists in versions of wow you actively despise and revile, as by your own posts about the future expansions.
You can easily at any point make your own raid with your own rules. You just refuse to because of “some reason” that you haven’t said, at least, that I haven’t seen.
Everything you complain about is truthfully a you issue.