Bring back World PVP

Has there been any thought to bringing back world PVP ? with the creation of these mega servers its all one faction. any chance to bring back world pvp by layering servers with other realms for example Whitemane/Feralina and Benediction???


The new zone in Cataclysm, Tol Barad has PVP dailies, and that sort of encourages WPVP.


planned PVP like tol barad is one thing but leveling and having horde or alliance together is what brings back the memories!


100% - personally, I’m playing SoD for that sort of thing, and see Wrath/Retail more as lobby games when it comes to PVP.

I think the classic world of Azeroth seems to offer more in the way of WPVP, but it’s also lacking things like Arenas, so that’s part of the trade-off. I played Shadowlands for a bit, and they had a zone Zerith Mortis, I think it was called, where there were PVP dailies, and that lead to a fair bit of somewhat natural WPVP, but in a controlled environment (the zone).

As far as I can remember, the Nagrand PVP area was the closest thing to encouraged WPVP we ever got before SoD and the new STV Bloodmoon PVP event, which at least in my opinion, is lightyears ahead of anything we’ve ever had WPVP related (except maybe P2 of WoW Classic).


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ya theres nothing like trying to complete quests and having to manage the other faction and NPC’s truley made it a 2 party system. now with mega servers its all one sided and not as fun

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If you wanted world pvp why did you transfer to the single faction Alliance server

theres really not much of an option that had equal factions… my last server died so i needed to transfer to one that wouldnt

If you want “world pvp” then you should not be playing the 1 faction on a 1 faction realm. You get what you signed up for. Reality is, you and everyone else on these mega realms, really didn’t want “world pvp” to begin with. You pretended you wanted it, but really didn’t. You just wanted the “PVP” tag without any enemies to actually threaten you. You may as well be on a PVE realm.


Grobb’s been here all along…

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that would be epic
We need the fun times in Molten Front

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so long as I don’t ever, and I do mean EVER have to participate, heck yeah, give 'em their PVP servers. I don’t have to join one, I don’t have to participate, no skin off my nose, let 'em pound each other to a thin gory paste if they like.


Grobbu arent bad but to much ENG typers

Still trolling the forums nonstop I see. No. Most people HATED Tol Barad. If you ever played Cata then you would understand why most people call it Lol ba bad.

It was removed from being a World battleground the way WG is and was made into a PvP zone. It is also out of the way if you want to travel there not using portals while WG is in the very center of the WoTLK expac zones. WG was added to battleground queues now in retail. Lol ba bad was removed from the PvP achievements even and put into expansion features.

The WPvP happened in open world as everyone could fly out there in Cata.

literally no one called it that stop trolling


I wonder if the balancing tech at the character selection screen that Blizz brought in with SoD would be the way forward. I want to Tol Barad in Cataclysm, but I believe it will be pointless on servers that are 99% one faction- which somehow is what everyone seems to want nowadays.
I didn’t play through Classic reboot… But the servers I’ve been levelling on with the dominant faction seem to be able to just hold winter grasp nonstop. I could be wrong, just seems that way.

Just because you don’t like my opinion or disagree doesn’t mean I’m trolling.

I sure did play Cata. It was the first and only time I actually enjoyed a regularly resetting questing hub, and the spectral wolf mount is still among my favorites.

You’re speaking about the Intanced PvP event, and while the Tol Barad one was very one sided, I did enjoy it. That however, is not what I am referring to as wpvp, but rather the questing zone out front.

Perhaps I have referenced it incorrectly, and/or it wasn’t obvious in my comment about wpvp that that’s what I meant.



tol barad does but as its classic it will follow what was released back when the stuff was new content. world pvp has been dead for god knows how long so its prolly not coming back any time soon.

Now although the problem still exists with super unbalanced servers, I do suggest at least a solution to your personal problem. I suggest you transfer over to grobbulus which is the only remaining balanced PVP server. Every weekend there are always big wpvp raid groups attacking cities etc. Lots of ganking in certain areas but it becomes fun once back up arrives to defend and then starts a solid 2v2 or 2v5 or whatever.

Anyway, id give it a thought. Always some sort of wpvp going on on this server.

You’re the troll here. Lots of people called it lol babad.

Its not even listed under PvP for achievements. WG is and always has been. TB was meant to be like a second WG but it just plain isn’t The design for it really isn’t that great and the vast majority of those who went there only did so to farm the Boradin Fox Kit pet, which is very near to that area and then people would try to do the BG but the queues almost never popped as more people were still doing Wintergrasp at that point.

People hated it because there was oftentimes next to a 0% chance of winning once the other team got too far ahead. It is the only one that currently has only 25 required wins in order to get the achieve for the veteran of it there while everything else requires 100.

Fixed that for you.