Bring back World PVP

Not really. You still saw way bigger WPvP battles in Crossroads during Cata than you ever saw there.

That is because Cross roads was in a changed zone so many wanted to come check it out, the southern half was a lot more difficult than it was before. And it is a zone not too far south of a Cata questing hub that had both ally and Horde in it. You can just keep posting on that level 39 twink toon that you have right there.

Grob is the last bastion of wpvp in NA, but itā€™s slowly diminishing in size. Itā€™s down to a medium server. SoD hurt it. Anyone who wants to wpvp should transfer or reroll there. Need to keep it alive. And if youā€™re east coast, donā€™t be put off by it being a west coast server, the lag is unnoticeable. I play on it from the east coast with no problems at all.

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As others have said, Grobbulus has true world pvp every friday night. City raid/defense, often 40-80 people on both sides. Spies on both sides. Last week we rode out to meet alliance while they were staging up at zul aman to hit silvermoon city. Transfer to Grobbulus and hit up Bigpvp for alliance side; ironwolf clan, pvpganksters, makgora tribe for horde.

Edit: for real bro, both sides have 80 people deep in discord sometimes, im talking coordinated everyone pops a fap and charges into sylvanas for example, the meta is constantly evolving.

Raiding Orgrimmar or stormwind would be funā€¦

Back in the OG our guild leader and main tank was making this great mace. We were on a rp-pve server and horde so he decided to make it an rp event by making the mace in ironforge. Our guild and a few other guilds joined together to invade ironforge to try to protect him long enough to make that mace. We rushed the forge, fought and died, ran back over and over again for about 40 minutes until he made that mace.

Of course this type of thing doesnā€™t happen often on rp-pve servers but even there we occasionally invade each others main cities for a pvp battle. Great fun. Iā€™d actually play on pvp servers for battles like this but I just canā€™t take the ganking and corpse camping by high level players while Iā€™m just trying to level.

Heā€™s not lying, itā€™s wild over here lol.

memories of being annoyed yeah

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