Yep and such a small portion of people got hung up on it.
The system we have now is boring and everyone knows it.
It’s even coming up in community counsel threads.
The elephant in the room is loot is boring.
Yep and such a small portion of people got hung up on it.
The system we have now is boring and everyone knows it.
It’s even coming up in community counsel threads.
The elephant in the room is loot is boring.
This makes me wish Blzzard had the same kind of like/love/haha button that facebook has. We need to be able to haha and sad and mad things here.
I would be fine with it if it only started happening once you got to a certain point in content like 15s for m+ or heroic raiding and idk pvp brackets so what ever is high there. The higher you go after these certain points the higher the chance of a titan forge happening.
TFing up to 252 would be great because even if you run 10 15+ keys to get 3 slots in your great vault…on several toons… you could still get a chance at a usable upgrade while doing smaller keys with guildies.
You know that is kinda how TITANFORGING worked right?
The higher item level you where in that slot the greater chance an item would forge for you.
That’s why all the rumors of LFR people gettting max TITANFORGINGs was basically bs. It happened but not nearly as much as some would have you believe.
Exactly, and the LFG would be full of low key incentives for good players to play with all skill level and vice versa.
I’m in several large guilds and most of the time all you see is crickets in chat when someone wants to run a low key because there is no point for most players.
The fact that the Wyrm keeps logging into an alt, with the same name prefix, just to agree with themself is what keeps me reading this thread
I log into 2 characters to respond to different people. People complain if I don’t respond because they don’t realize you can respond only once per post on a character.
I never respond to myself???
Then don’t take 5 months and 20 ilvl advantage to kill bosses.
Just git gud
I’m Titanforged. Here, see?
In just get amusement on how everytime he writes “titanforged” it’s in all caps lol
Your welcome
So titan forgoing only happened when u got to the the highest point in terms of gaining gear aka 10s in bfa 15 shadowlands hmm no. I’m saying it should only start once you hit certain areas aka 15s in shadowlands since back when titanforging was happening it would just happen for all content.
Git gud or git Vengeance DH.
I suck but my vengeance dh still solos stuff few of my other toons can. Accidentally kill enemy players standing on the other side of the rares I’m killing or solo dungeons… Prot Pally and BM Hunter pretty sweet too.
It is true. If you’re bad at the game play DH or BM hunter
Best advice I could give to anyone that is bad at the game
The chance of an item level forging really high went up.
So basically if you where LFR item level the chance of you getting a really high forge was so low it was silly.
I hope I’m explaining this right.
Example if you just dinged max level and did LFR the odds of you getting a max TITANFORGING was non existent.
Most of the max TITANFORGINGs in LFR where mythic raiders on their main running LFR.
I thought titanforging was completely and utterly random? Like you could have armor tokens, or quest rewards, or nearly anything except maybe crafted gear war/titanforge. And the ilevels gained could vary alot with a one in a trillion chance of getting a really stupid high amount of ilevels added.
All that said, the most BS piece of any gear I ever head was a trinket off the next to last raid boss in antorus. It had a 15 million damage absorb shield that let off four waves of fire for 2 million damage each 15 seconds later and had maybe a 2 minute cooldown… (Though the legendary that gave me flying in instances was cool, and that opus legendary and some other legendaries were cool.)
There was a ton of lies that people spread about TITANFORGING that wasn’t true.
In fact forging benefited people that did harder content exponentially more.
To outgear a mythic raider on one character with TITANFORGINGs from LFR and worldquests never happened.
To get a fully maxed rolled tier set from LFR, normal, heroic was basically impossible before the next raid tier came out.
titanforging was popular with the casuals like me, i would support its return.