titanforging is active in all levels of content, when it was a thing.

This is really just deflection to avoid dealing with my actual points.


Gearing has nothing to do with narrative design, and a lot of the pre-9.1.5 burnout came from covenant restrictions, the renown grind, the conduit system and the overall content drought.

Titanforging would not have impacted any of those.


90 percent of this game is flipping boring can you not see that is one of the biggest problems with WoW now.

People are not leaving because of some controversy they are leaving because it’s boring.

The loot is boring.

If this game had fun loot people would be falling over themselves to play it.


Then go play one of the other mmorpgs that has titanforging.

Yeah. This is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas.

Might be a passable troll attempt tho. Undecided.


I do, I play other games too.

I just game back for a month or 2 for legion time walking and it’s always the same thing the loot has been boring since TITANFORGING has been removed.

LFR CN has like 6 hour que times
During legion when TITANFORGING was a thing the que was never more than 20 min.


and they all have titanforging?

That’s not what I was saying. Titanforging was introduced because of raids.

And lack of gear drops. Which Titanforging would’ve helped out with lmfao.


Yes they do.

You understand that bringing back Titanforging won’t make the game less boring right? What you’re asking for is more grind. You want to bring back a system which forced players to run content they didn’t want to, so they could hopefully get an upgrade to an item they likely already had.

An item upgrade system for all items would be a far better investment.

Also, no other MMO on the market has a system like Blizzard did with titanforging. Item upgrade systems? Yes, but they weren’t reliant on RNG to get the upgrades.


and had an overall negative outcome on the raiding scene.

Oh I beg to differ bringing back TITANFORGING would make this game way more fun.

Think about those dope world quest trinkets TITANFORGING!

Or queuing for legion time walking and one of those items TITANFORGING!

Or hitting up LFR SOD and getting a TITANFORGED weapon on an alt.

I wouldn’t sleep.

I mean I could run some plu2 keys with my bad player friends and get some loot.

Or maybe I’ll kill the world boss for a chance.


well played sir

Wait, what? The game had FAR MORE PLAYERS before titanforging even existed.

In fact, the game had the most players when it was raid or die – guess we should go back to that, eh?

More people were raiding when it was here. Raiding has/had a lot of problems. Titanforging was not of them. Or atleast, it really didn’t have to be.

Quick question. You think master loot was bad for the game?


I lived through warforging and titanforging and to be honest I’d rather not go through it again, because 90% of the time items you got didn’t titanforge, which meant that if you were actually relying on that trinket to titanforge because it was ‘better’ than what you could get elsewhere if it did, you were forced to wait until a world quest rewarding that exact trinket popped up again.

That creates nothing but frustration.

I’d rather see Blizzard focus on an item upgrade system similar to the one they use with PvP weapons/armor and Korthia gear, only with less grind required. Of course it would still force players into a grind which isn’t fun, but at least there’s a reward at the end of the grind, and not just more grind because the reward you were after didn’t titanforge.


When available to everyone, yeah, the system itself was fine, but was pretty abused.
but once it was restricted to guild runs it did its job for what it was meant to do.


So loss aversion is why you don’t want TITANFORGING?

The fact something doesn’t TITANFORGE
Makes you sad?

I want the chance.

But you know we could have it all.

We can still upgrade with valor and you can still target items but there is a slight chance something could TITANFORGE.

WoW was literally the game of my dreams till they removed it.


Once again like you always do when you post in these threads you leave out the fact you could craft some of the highest item level gear in the game back then and you could buy gear with badges.

WOW who would of thought?

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Again, bringing back systems that were considered bad by many and only promoted grind is a bad idea.

It won’t bring players back to the game. No one is going to look at say, patch 9.2, see they brought back titanforging and go “Oooh boy! Titanforging is back, let’s jump back in and grind boys!”

Well okay, maybe not no one, you certainly would, because you seem to like systems that encourage grinding on obsolete content for a slim chance at getting an upgrade.