I am expressing expressing my opinions quite clearly. I think maybe you don’t agree with them? There is about 300 other people in this thread expressing them here too. This isn’t an echo chamber in fact quite the opposite.

And boosting has never existed on the scale it does now and the removal of TITANFORGING is a big part of that.

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Titaningforging is an awful idea that should never return.

I disagree, TITANFORGING made all content relevant and fun!!!


This is a bad reason. Make compelling content. Not a casino.

I have no idea why people do PVE. It’s designed so poorly. The biggest saving grace to PVP is that the devs don’t do it.

I don’t think they are ever going to make compelling content anymore. Mainly this is due to the fact games like Lol make billions just selling skins for the same game over and over.

I don’t disagree with what you said but TITANFORGING would go a long way to make this game more fun and have way more replay value.

After 16 years of not one single mmorpg keeping up with content patches I don’t think we are ever going to get the game we want.


LoL is a PVP game. That’s not even remotely a good comparison.

Funny since you said you want Blizzard to ignore opinions that you don’t agree with. That smacks of echo chamber to me, but you do you.

Personally, I welcome dissenting opinions so we can all foster discussions on the merits and disadvantages of various ideas. Hopefully Blizzard pays attention to ALL of the constructive ideas and dialogue on these forums. Probably wishful thinking, I know.

It probably the greatest reason why content is thigh thin I’m MMORPGs.

I’m not sure how you can’t see the correlation.

Once they bring back TITANFORGING it will help us all a lot.


By what? halving the player base?

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PvP Boosting has nothing to do with Titan forging being gone. What encourages boosting is the 9 ranks of PVP gear that creates a disgusting gear gap between players. 1 honor set and 1 conquest set would fix this problem.

As for pve boosting I have 0 clue and don’t care.

You keep baiting for attention I don’t think you know what relevant means.

Bring back TITANFORGING it will make all content relevant.

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You still wouldn’t play it so stop lying and say what you mean. You want to run lfr and get massive forges.

Effort > Luck

I’d rather my game without a casino gear system… Thanks…


I’d rather my game with all types of ways to gear. We can have rng and targeted upgrades.

So I’d rather have a casino system and everything else as well ty.


Hourly reminder that Titanforging did nothing wrong and if you have a problem with others winning the Titanforging loot lottery you need to stop being carbs in a bucket


By having a casino system… you replace everything else… Sorry…

Nothing screamed engaging content like putting in 500 pulls on a boss only to watch a piece drop that was worse than the one you got on heroic after 10 pulls…

Or just repeatedly running the exact same dungeon praying for a better and better version of the exact same trinket to drop. I’d rather just get the trinket once and be done with it. I like an actual end to the gear grind. I prefer a fixed goalpost… not an impossible end-point.


Boosting didn’t exist when titanforging was a thing?

I never thought I’d say this but I actually miss Warforging. I think it makes all content with rewards worth doing for a longer period of time.