Please don’t bring back titanforging. RNG on top of RNG is the worst. Having to hope RNG is on your side twice in a row is too frustrating and exhausting. All it does it burns people out knowing that the item they got isn’t really best in slot and hoping that it not only drops again but titan forges is just a slap in the face.


Nah. RNG is killing the game for me. I want systems back from WotLK (simpler and streamlined) that allowed me to earn currency and buy gear if I was unlucky with drops in a raid. I’ve heard FF14 does this. I’m not expecting to be full bis after a month of a raid being released, but being able to work out, even with the worst possible luck, when I would be full bis, is just such an amazing thing. Being able to have a character and have it be “finished” would make this game far more enjoyable to me. It’d give me a reason to play more and play my alts again, something I haven’t done since WoD.

TLDR: Give players the agency to “finish” their characters. The carrot on a stick approach is only so enticing until you realize you’ll never actually reach the carrot and your just wasting your time.

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Not only that but it kills a lot of motivation to push into harder content. Why do harder content for better rewards when you can just do faceroll content and get lucky?

Well all the people who want it back don’t do content harder than lfr.


Again with the Best in Slot argument. Is best in slot nice to have? yes, is it needed to enjoy the game? Not really.

This is in addition to the idea there really is no absolute “BiS” anymore, as those who dabble in different forms of content can tell you, a piece from M+ can be better then a similar piece from raid, and the way secondary stats work, it is not uncommon if a different piece sims higher even if it does not have the stats most consider BiS for that class/spec.

This is where caps can come in

Heroic raider here, and I want it back in a different form (capped, able to trade even if it is a minor upgrade, etc). So try again.

I mean if they run lfr they should expect lfr level rewards. I understand that people get excited seeing a mythic raid item drop from faceroll content like lfr, but they didn’t do anything to earn that. They also don’t really need upgrades if al they are doing is lfr anyway.

And before someone tries to go down the “Why does my gear matter to/affect you?” I’ll give you an answer. Trying for weeks to get an item in mythic and finally getting it to drop, only to see some dude in lfr go afk and die to a boss and get the same item titanforged to the same ilvl turns me off from even trying.

Its like the old post that compared it to McDonalds. You go to the counter and order your 20 nuggests with fries and a drink. It costs $10. Dude behind you orders a medium soda, lights start flashing and happy music starts playing as he is told that his order will be upgraded to 20 nuggets, fries, and a drink for no additional charge and he only pays $1. What would be fair about that? Would you be happy being the schmuck that just paid $10?

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The cap would need to be 5 ilvls with the current increase in ilvl per difficulty. And at that point it would make almost 0 difference anyway. 5 ilvls would add maybe 2 or 3 main stat, with 4 or 5 secondary stats added, if even that.

I would appreciate if Blizzard would please ignore you.

Titanforging can stay dead in the dumpster fire with the rest of BFA.

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They should definitely, absolutely, without a doubt never bring back Titanforging. Ever. Let the clown fiesta style of gearing stay dead.

There’s a very notable difference in the two things you’re comparing here. You only had to get DST to drop and win it. With Arcanocrystal you had to get it to drop (equivalent of drop+win nowadays), but then you also needed to roll multiple layers of RNG to get it to the higher levels of value. That alone is a huge difference, not to mention that the Titanforging cap was raised each tier, meaning even if you were lucky and got it early on, like say getting DST from Gruul’s during that current content tier, you weren’t necessarily done with the item, there was a better version to get all over again.

Also, people absolutely did complain about past tier pieces being BiS through multiple tiers. DST was no exception to this.


It turns out it was Blizzard’s loot. Get wrecked.

Also bring back guild only master loot like we had in Legion please.


Yeah, pretty much same here, these people don’t really know what it means anymore. Anyone that dislikes something they like or likes something they dislike in-game is some kind of WoW boogeyman

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The fact that we already had this in place is what baffles me most about the hard switch to personal loot only. The solution to ninja looting was already there. All that was left was people making a scene about joining loot systems they either didn’t like, or didn’t understand, which is ultimately their own choice/fault.

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I just want loot appropriate for the difficulty level it was gotten in. I don’t want RNG for it have a much higher level attached to it. I don’t want RNG deciding whether it has sockets or not. I just want a simple and linear loot system where I down a boss and the loot is useful.

There are too many RNG systems layered within RNG systems for loot now as it is and it is frustrating if you just want to play the game.


I was capping it at the base ilvl of the next difficulty up, with a 5-10 increase for Mythic. My reasoning is this:

LFR is considered faceroll content, but at times, due to attitudes of LFR runners, it can be just as hard or harder then normal or even heroic raids, where you at least tend to have voice chat.

If you are running the higher difficulty, does it matter if the gear from the one lower can forge to your base?

I did not say they did not complain about it, just that I did not see as much, likely because of the 2 things you listed.

Anyone who is against WF/TF coming back, even changed or adjusted, might as well just say “I need Blizzard to protect me from myself”. Was I happy with how WF/TF was before it was removed? NO! but my complaints were based more on the layers upon layers upon layers of RNG, not the idea in and of itself.

I am all about finding that balance, but it seems the “my way or no way” attitude once again ruins things. I get the complaints against it, believe me, but there are more solutions then just a binary switch.

Yeah no, boosting was just as relevant, if not more given TF was a thing back in BFA, and to me that seemed to make players want to boost more. Now that its gone there is no point to spamming a single dungeon to try and TF an item. Heck when it happended witht eh chest items and it was a weapon, that was seriously OP given how impactful weapons are to DPS.

TF and WF are gone and need to stay gone, they just were not a good system, it wouldn’t even work well anyways with shadowlands gear. Seeing as you would have to make the max loot level match the max valor upgrade level. Given all it would do is just make it slightly better than what you could max out with valor, if not be the same. Which means its pointless to even bring back and just would save a small amount of time in the end.

What they truly need to do is rework loot drop rates, or give back reroll tokens, as currently gearing is just awful with the limited loot drop rates. Which was really felt and seen with domination sockets, and will again be felt with tier sets in 9,2 given they don’t seem to be touching drop rates. All these gear systems do that have extra effects is causes more headache than its worth honestly, I would rather have and see a simple system. Over dealing with tier sets, or domination sockets, like what we had in 9.0. Given this loot drop rate system is not working well and is promoting a lot of in fighting at times. As people argued HARD when a domination socket piece was up for grabs early on in the tier. Same’s going to happen with tier set pieces, except its not going to be locked to specific classes and will mean an even longer grind to get all the pieces for the set.

Heck I don’t even like the fact that I’m forced to use heroic pieces simply because it has a socket on it. Not looking forward to doing more of the same with heroic pieces in 9.2 given currently I am not part of a guild that clears the raid a bit before the tier ends. So it forces me to use heroic gear over being able to use full mythic gear I earn through the vault, and it just feels bad.

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Imagine being able to make your own choice instead of Blizzard making it for you.

I’ve encountered a few ninja looters throughout the years I’ve played this game. Never once did I wish for the removal of ML. You know what I did? I reported them, blacklisted them, and I moved on.

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This. So much this. The only “loot improvement” system that I want returned is Reforging. Reforging made it so that gear was much more exciting to get. Get an item that has more main stat but none of your best secondary? Not ideal but at least you can take 40% away from your worst stat on it to turn it into your best. Example as an unholy DK I hate vers. I want mastery and haste. So lets say I get a crit/vers item. Gross. With reforging I can turn that item with 100 crit and 100 vers (making up a number for easy math) into an item with 100 crit, 60 vers, and 40 mastery. Makes it feel so much better.

Sockets should either be on an item or they shouldn’t be, they should not randomly proc. No more leech/avoidance/speed/indestructible either. Make those profession upgrades to gear instead. Similar to an enchant.

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Yes. Because why am I bothering to run the higher difficulty if the lower one can drop the same thing? I understand that sometimes lfr can be harder because of the demographic that runs it (no offense to them), but from my lfr experience the ones that cause enough headache to actually make the run harder than the next difficulty or two up are just kicked or leave in frustration claiming that the group sucks rather than realize they are doing everything completely wrong.

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The only real reason to exclude titanforging is people who actually care about the gear they are “working” for, which will be replaced in six months.

Because being challenged is fun. Mythic raiding can be fun with the right group of people.

It makes absolutely no difference if someone who’s running their trashbag alt gets a single titanforged piece from a random dungeon that might acually roll at heroic level.

The more geared players the better. Then maybe more would be less hesitant to actually step into more difficult content.

But maybe I’m just not selfish enough to hate Titanforging.

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I’d love a system like what they had in Wrath, just simpler. Or what they apparently have in FF14. Blizzard seems scared of players getting their full bis gear. Why? Because they’ll quit? I’ve played since late BC. Not once did I ever see anyone quit the game because their character hit full bis gear, and I saw people get full bis quite often in WotLK. You know what the people who got full bis gear did? They played an alt and tried to do it again.