No. There. Doesn’t.

Old raids are old raids. These aren’t trials from FF that can be banged out in 20 mins they are full on raids and you would have people run them for a chance at a forge? You are literally insane if you think that would be good for the game.


Such a thing could never exist!

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While I miss Titanforging or Warforging, I agree that people tend to hyperfocus on it and start to gatekeep based on luck. Reforging though REALLY does need to come back though - and hell, maybe you could use Valor Points to ‘Warforge’ your items - would make for some nice incentive to do content.

Also, yeah there REALLY needs to be Master Loot back. If I gotta argue why, then clearly I am ancient.

All I want is some RNG lottery type thing that can make me go “oooh” when I get something.

I’m a gambler, I like RNG stuff. Sockets make me go “oooh”. But it’d be nice if gear went up a few ilvl.

The suggestion to warforge a +1-2 upgrade rank is great and I think would fit in the current game.

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Getting a drop is a ooh ahh moment. You don’t need layers of rng on top of it.


No, getting a drop is a single “ahh”, getting it to pop some RNG makes it “ahh… Ohhhh”.

Titan forge was like “ahh… oohhh… eeehhhh… woaaaahh!!”

Remember how the BiS trinket for most classes throughout almost all of Legion was a titanforged drop from a world boss?

And how that world boss was also not up for most of Legion because there was no rotation for the world bosses at the beginning?

Yeah that’s why titanforging sucked and everyone hated it.


That trinket was amazing and the fact they have to remove fun items like this just a so few people aren’t disappointed it ridiculous and you know it.

Bring back TITANFORGING and keep valor upgrading.

The problem isn’t having all these paths to power. It’s the need for blizzard to protect a certain type of players from themselves.
The kind of players who eats all the content and dies on their computer chair because it has been 12 days they haven’t moved.


Exactly and these players want blizzard to protect them from themselves at the expense of the rest of the playerbase that enjoys having many different activities incentivized with player power or a chance at player power.

Like you said you like having a chance at an rng upgrade from anywhere and it doesn’t disappoint you when it doesn’t. You like it cause it’s FUN. There is plenty of room in this game to bring TITANFORGING back.


I liked it a lot, and miss it. Warforging and Titanforging always felt really good.

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Titanforging isn’t the solution. RNG isn’t the solution. Gear progression should be linear in nature. Overhauling the professions system is the answer.

Professions need to be THE way to acquire top-tier gear (even if some materials can only be acquired from raids, acquisition of materials can at least become a guaranteed drop instead of ruined with RNG).

That is so horribly boring. I see what you are saying, but ew.

That’s where we are at now, professions being worthless aside, and I can’t personally stand it.

There’s no fun.

Your exactly right. Add a material that drops from raids that can be sold on AH. To players that want to craft the highest level gear for themselves.

But there is room for TITANFORGING in that plan as well.

Even just Warforging alone would be enough to keep a little bit of flavour. Both are great, though.

There is no reason to gate all gear behind mythic raiding/dungeons. At all. None.

Torghast for example could have been used to give us somewhere else to gear. Instead we got… a forced farmable currency that’s boring as piss.


Exactly Torghast was a huge opportunity missed and there is no legitimate reason not to have multiple avenues to the highest items levels even a slight rng chance like warforge/TITANFORGE

I would appreciate if Blizzard would please ignore the people that say they did like it.


I think it would be problematic to have a static guaranteed gearing path. This game needs RNG, it always had RNG.


It sucked for those who HAD to have BIS gear, it was an annoyance at worst for those who made do with what they got. I can remember when the BIS trinket for Hunters, if not physical DPS, was a drop from the first raid tier (Dragon Spine Trophy from Gruul) yet that did not seem to have the hate I have seen WF/TF get.

Not everyone hated WF/TF, especially in its earlier forms (5-10 levels above base), and those of us that kept it in the proper perspective could have easily enjoyed it. We lost it because of a very loud minority that could not control themselves and made it out to be the absolute must for their gear.

Bottom line, as long as things are kept in their proper perspective, things like WF/TF are a bonus and a nice reward for having fun doing content one enjoys, take it of that perspective and it is the worst thing ever.

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