Not the old “forced” argument, the only ones forced to do such were those that felt like they needed the absolute best gear available to do content.WF/TF was a BONUS, not the standard and one could do quite well without said bonus.
Also, one of the ideas put forth if forging does indeed comeback is a cap on how much things can’t forge, like LFR can forge above base normal, if you are doing normal or heroic, LFR is pointless, normal can’t forge above heroic base, if you are doing heroic or mythic normal is pointless.
A cap can also be put on older content, like their max forge is what it is for that tier, it can’t forge above the highest forge for that tier, as an example CN gear can’t forge higher then the 5-10 levels that would have been the cap for mythic CN. Or, if nothing else, forging only exists for current content, once the new raid is out, the old raid gear can’t forge ever again.
Really, every complaint I have ever seen about forging and wanting it removed has only ever amounted to “whaaaa, if I can get a mythic level piece from LFR I have to run LFR” or “whaaa, if I can get higher gear, I have to try for it cause I want the highest gear I can get”.
Really, things like caps would have gone a long way to quell the forging complaints, and the rest would have mostly been taken care of by people realizing that such were a bonus, not the standard or needed for their content.
Raids and everything can be balanced behind their base ilvl gear, anything above that would help but would technically not be needed, it would just give that slight edge that might mean less dealing with mechanics or a kill.
Even I don’t want forging back in the way it was before it was removed, but I would be more then happy with a version where it could be traded and had reasonable caps.
The only other option would be being able to upgrade not just M+ gear but raid gear via valor, again with reasonable caps, just so those who have bad luck on the vault/drops/etc can still progress their gear without relying on RNG too much.