Yes please, no reason to do most content right now.


yes, it is time for Blizzard to start catering a little bit more to casuals, and this a step in the right direction, it is no secret that casual players are giving up on Warcraft by the masses, there is nothing for them.


Ion listened to the mythic min/maxer raiders who only raid log which is about 0.000002% of the player base.

If Ion doesn’t want titan-forging then allow people to craft good gear and sell it on the AH. Crafting one piece of ilvl 230 gear was lame. Let people make a full set of gear. Raiders will still raid.

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I also think crafting needs to be able to craft close to the highest item levels and usable in every slot like it used to in addition to TITANFORGING coming back.

Right now only 3 portions of this massive game have incentive loot.

Mythic plus 15 or above

Rated pvp

Heroic raiding mythic raiding.

There is no reason to even do anything other than that those 3 things if you want character power and it’s boring.


TF was a horrible system. So glad it’s gone. Sad that stupid item upgrades are still in the game.


Loot seems so much more boring now since you just grab your BiS and pump it with conquest.

As opposed to watching people get upset because something with Titanforge dropped that is an upgrade, but it has the wrong stat so their parses will be sad.

Wait. Now you’re saying that levelers should get no gear in old content? That the game should be changed to make this happen? What the heck? You must work for Blizzard if you think making leveling a horrible experience will be good for retention.

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Dumbest reason in support of forging ever.

Yay the raid no one runs drops my bis but only if it massively forges.

Forging was a garbage system that ruined the game.


Hard disagree and pass on your opinion,
Removal of TITANFORGING in one stroke made 90 percent of this game irrelevant after a month of being level 60.

The real problem with this game is blizzard listened to the wrong portion of the playerbase meaning people that think like you.


90% of the game is irrelevant after 60. People don’t run old raids. Trying to find a group willing to run it for a dice roll was a nightmare.

People like you would destroy this game. You want to reliably run old content, ff14 is right over there.

That’s not what i said, and i think you know that.

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Blizzard only listen to high end mythic raiders…because they are the loudest. And also so toxic that most people with common sence stay away from forums.


Yes please. I , for one, really liked titan forging.

It was always a fun surprise when it happened…


At least the ones that like to post in the forums seem uniformly toxic.

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I could understand Warforging like someone talked on community council, 1 single roll of +5 ilvl? not that insane.

Still wouldn’t like it, as it just doubles down on all the gear grinding all over again, but at least its limited to only a +5 ilvl.

On the other hand, Titanforging was nuts, i remember a friend of mine dropping a Unstable Arcano Crystal who titanforged up to Nighthold Ilvl with a socket, he kept using that thing for all the way up to Early Anthorus.

The ability to roll multiple rolls of extra +15 ilvl created a point where people would infinitely grind previous tier raid [like grinding Nighthold for Whisper in the Dark, or Jhin world boss for Unstable Arcano] even after the Ilvl was not relevant anymore.

Yeah sorry, no. Gonna have to disagree with you here.

There were one main issue I saw with TF

It was 100% RNG

Any system like Titanforging that relies SOLELY on RNG to interact with, is bad.

I would advocate for more guaranteed systems like from back in the day.

  • PVE vendors so after a few weeks of doing content, you have enough currency to buy gear
  • Guaranteed sockets so professions like Jewelcrafting can actually have a better place in WoW.

The more ways players can better pace themselves while progressing their character, the better. Titanforging does not achieve that. Why should Tarragrue LFR gear randomly upgrade to Mythic Sylvanas item level?

Now I’ll take Warforging back since it’s only a 5-6 item level bump, but only if players also had to option to manually Warforge via a currency like Valor.


No. They don’t listen to the playerbase. The issue is that these are ideas they were already thinking, that titanforging makes raiders have to work too hard to get their bis - can’t have that - and also means that casuals get gear upgrades they don’t deserve.

This certainly conflated into many forum claims of many “LFR heroes” being fully equipped with better-than-mythic ilvl gear the first week LFR opened. Odd how none of those making those claims was ever able to come up with even a single example of a player whose hardest content was LFR having a full set of high titanforges that made their ilvl better than mythic. Nor could they come up with even one example of a mythic raider who was using that fabulous LFR gear, because it wasn’t fabulous at all.

I think titanforging would have worked out fine if it weren’t part of the plan to push raiders to get their bis gear before the next reset. Because raiders I knew weren’t actually addicted to that. They were fine with having good enough gear with occasional titanforges that boosted their ilvls, and didn’t feel bad that an occasional casual got a 1 ilvl boost from a piece of titanforged gear.


You can have both but TITANFORGING needs to be brought back.

I do not care at all if someone is disappointed they don’t get a titanforge or if someone else does.

There never was any legitimate downside to TITANFORGING.
It was just social media personalities that influenced its removal.


And playing more increased your chances of getting it. So casuals who played a lot got more forges than raid loggers. It was actually more deterministic in that sense, not less.

The real downside to titanforging was that they lowered the ilvl of gear to make up for titanforging. It averaged out.

TITANFORGING was only slightly rng. The higher item level you had in a slot the greater chance you had for an item to forge. But your not wrong the more you played content that dropped loot the more chances you had.

Possibly but Blizz devs where adamant that all encounters where not tuned around TITANFORGING but instead TITANFORGING was a way to nerf content over time.

I liked TITANFORGING because it made all content relevant.

Keep in mind though we should keep valor upgrades like they are now and install more ways to target gear but bring TITANFORGING back in addition to that.