I can think of 5

  1. Put more RNG into gearing as a whole by making it rely purely on it.
  2. This ties into Personal Loot problems, but not being able to trade non-bis pieces if they titanforge because they were an ilvl upgrade
  3. It removed the ability to target gear towards a potential BiS list.
  4. It created an infinite grind out of something that didn’t need it.
  5. Reduced excitement for regular drops because they didn’t titanforge.

Titanforging just adds more layers into a system that doesn’t need it.

Loot should just be:

  • Did I get an item?
  • Can I use it?

Under the WF/TF system it is:

  • Did I get an item?
  • Did it warforge?
  • Did it titanforge?
  • Does it have a socket?
  • Does it have a tertiary stat?
  • Can I use it?

Thanks to the removal of the two RNG based systems it became this:

  • Did I get an item?
  • Does it have a socket?
  • Does it have a tertiary stat?
  • Can I use it?

Based. Getting a huge titanforge was truly yell out loud exciting. Haven’t had anything like that this expansion.


If you’re the kind of player that think others should “earn” and “deserve” things in a videogame, you’re exactly what is wrong with gaming today.

Some say that if we give everything to everyone will ruin the game, but no one knows that and i’m willing to risk it all. Give everything to everyone.

Let’s see what happens. Screw the 1% and their fancy gear, if they’re so good, they shouldn’t worry about me having the same gear as them, or maybe they’re the only one allowed to 1 shot people and faceroll +15s with their mythic gear?

Oh and if you feel like you HAVE to grind all raid difficulty, and daddy blizzard has to protect you from your own insanity for willingly grinding ALL aspect of the RNG game because you can’t control yourself, that is a YOU problem, not a ME problem.


When titanforging was here, boosting was still popular [have a chance at 20935839 ilvl gear] lol

We have enough casino game designs in this as is, don’t need TF back.


Please no. It makes raiding and dungeons so much worse because you can get better gear on lower content. I really hate this idea.

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Ohh nooooo! More chances to get better gear. They can’t stay on the treadmill then!


Bring back multistrike!

What’s hilarious about elite players wanting TITANFORGING removed is now instead of casuals getting rng high item level forges,…

We have elite mythic players in 50k large boosting communities just selling players the highest level gear for gold.

Its total and complete bs. Boosting will always be around but with the only avenues to the best gear being behind ridiculously time consuming and hard content boosting has soared to unprecedented levels.


Please no. Titanforging was the worst thing they ever added to the game. Nothing like doing mythic bosses and not needing any of the gear because everyone already got better titanforged pieces from heroic. Or not being able to trade a piece of gear you already have because it titanforged, and now it’s a 6ilvl upgrade for you, instead of the 13ilvl upgrade it would have been for your guildy. No thanks.


They could just disable TITANFORGING’s in mythic raids.

Also almost no one that plays this game does mythic difficulty and one of the main arguements against TITANFORGING was that players that don’t mythic raid don’t need the item level.

The loot in this game is extremely boring now all for the sake of a raid difficulty hardly anyone will even participate in.

I think we can live with a little disappointment from the .0001 you will still have your achievements and cosmetic items.


Not a problem, everyone who has mythic gear should be happy with what they have.

Not a problem, trading gear shouldnt be how you get power.

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None of what you said even makes sense.


You raid to get better gear to help you with the raid.

How is getting better gear from lower difficulty not beneficial for everyone?


Can you read? I said people were getting titanforged pieces from HEROIC.

It’s also the same if you get titanforged pieces from Normal then don’t need Heroic gear. It’s stupid.

Do you even understand the game you are playing? It’s a gear treadmill. You run progressively harder content for better loot rewards. If it can drop from anywhere the game is dead. Completely. Utterly. Dead.

Entire raid tiers were ruined for me because I got lucky forges. That was months of no relevant content. Having to run raids knowing there was no hope of an upgrade outside of winning the lottery.

Forging ruined the game. It isn’t coming back.


When you think the idiocy cant possibly reach new heights, this comes around. Just wow.
The pinnacle of rng upon rng is now “more deterministic”. Holy moly. Do you even try to think before you write?

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You run the raid to be awarded with better gear. Harder content for better rewards the cornerstone of mmo’s.


I think rather than RNG bosses should drop a currency that allows you to upgrade base gear

Oh I can read and I hard pass on your opinions…

Mythic raiders have always achieved the highest items levels faster than anyone else.

And you can disable all TITANFORGING in mythic raids/“. Meaning those heroic titanforged pieces will just show up as heroic.

The ideas that mythic raiders wanted that where implemented have had to be walked back one by one this expansion.

No one likes the game you players suggested not even you that’s why no one is playing this game.

It isnt controversy or story holding this game back it’s the fact the loot and the systems implemented are boring as all get out.

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Titianforging is bad.