Bring Back the "War" in World of Warcraft!

You’re right, both faction are over played. That why i wanted a 3rd faction with new races and classes.
A Vampire :man_vampire: race who is a Blood Mage. In which this mage can heal and dps.

Yeah I agree. I think the better plots have been intrafactional rather than interfactional. The Forsaken fracturing off from the horde in a Wrathgate style coup would have been a great plot, but they kind of just abandoned the plots involving playable races and make thing about individuals now.

The original ones were the worst offenders.

The writing needed to fix all the mistakes the OG writers did would take multiple expansions to even come close. And the entire time people would complain of horde bias

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Alliance and Horde won’t happen again any time soon. The playerbase is not that big of a fan of PVP, and even if they did there’s bigger threats to deal with.

The title of this thread gives me “Sir, an orc has just shot the king” vibes

I’ll be the one taken out the King for the new leader.

The intro cinematic to vanilla lays it out… ten years after wc3 “the tenuous peace between horde and alliance has all but evaporated… the drums of war thunder once again” followed by scenes of alliance and horde races trying to murder each other.

Whether that war is still relevant in retail or not, I don’t know. The story has been awful for so long I don’t even know if it matters. But definitely in 2004 they were angling for faction war right from the outset.

Ok, which streamer/youtuber went off on a rant this time?


This is total nonsense - PVP has been about presenting war scenarios involving the factions.

Mercenary mode has been in the game since warlords and it showed how utterly meaningless the faction lock ultimately was.

And it was stupid 20 years ago too. Hell the main story from classic in the anniversary commemoration is Ahn’qiraj, you know, the big cross faction push that also made the faction war seem stupid.


I’m good on that.

We don’t need to have the same plot thread linger on for ten years and constantly reset itself to the status quo.

I’m fine with the Alliance and the Horde having a cold war with various little skirmishes between its smaller factions (Like Stormpike and Frostwolves) or little brawls in new areas, but having another big, stupid faction war for the sake of it is just forcing arbitrary conflict for its own sake.

I’d even rather them just have a big gladiator competition.

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Rubbish is garbage like the writers wanting to do faction war so much they made it a part of Icecrown amidst all the other sophomoric nonsense.

Nobody actually cares about the faction war. I would be happy if I could just que for bgs and have both teams be mixed factions to minimize wait times

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That’s simultaneously impractical from a design perspective and nonsensical from a story perspective. No.


The original ones made this game.

Warcraft would be nothing without the faction conflict.


Not anymore. Now the storyline is a disjointed hot mess! The game is way to bloated and overrun with add-ons. Regardless how they try to dress it up. As for me. I will not get the next expansion. This is the end of the road for me.

What is needed is a extinction level event to reset the game :slight_smile:

Sets the ‘Days Since Someone Demanded the War be put back in World of Warcraft’ to 0


You’re right. That video does give the impression you’re saying.

Are there instances where we also kill members of the opposite faction in Vanilla? Yes.

But it’s not to the hostility that escalates in later expansions.

The night elves whose patron god of their Druids Cenarius was murdered by the Orcs and forests desecrated have this to say about the Orcs in Vanilla:
“ We are not in open war with the Horde, but our peace is fragile. We often find their agents moving against us, but they do so covertly.
(Also important to the Tauren yet they’re cool with being Horde???)

One such advance was revealed to us from hidden sources in Theramore, claiming that the orcs collect venom from the pridewings near Mirkfallon Lake, in the Stonetalon Mountains to the south. Orc assassins then use the venom on their secret death raids against the Alliance!”

The NPC movement also indicates so. Vanilla has a solo orc running along the road towards the Night Elf encampment in Ashenvale and by Cata they have very much desecrated Splintertree Ourpost as you get quests while walking over a bunch of Night Elf corpses.

That’s fine, you can think it’s stupid. I’m just saying that it was explicitly the theme/context of the game.

To be fair, the night elves were their own faction in WC3 and probably should have remained their own faction- same goes for the forsaken. But I imagine the devs just didn’t want to deal with 4 factions. It would have made for a much more interesting/dynamic world to play in, though.

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There’s still plenty of ‘war’ in Warcraft. You just have to open your eyes a little wider so you can see beyond the petty slap fights that the Alliance and Horde used to waste their time with.