Bring Back the "War" in World of Warcraft!

Originally World of Warcraft was created as a mmorpg that would immerse the player in the Warcraft strategic isometric games franchise universe. A fully massive game with a third person perspective at eye level game with large explorable land masses. And a continuation of the story, lore, and the War. But. There is no War in the world of Wow. Not in the epic sense of Warcraft I, II and III. What we have is small squad sized skirmishes (Dungeons).
And some PVP fights. The solo player becomes more akin to Indiana Jones, or Laura Croft, searching for treasure in ancient temples. But no real War. War were large armies clash. Specially the struggle between the two major protagonists the Humans and the Orcs has apparently been abandoned almost completely. Yes I know. During some story events we have seen large epic battles presented in CGI animated movie cut scenes. But of course the player can’t participate in.

The Devs seem to favor a more happy Disney-like environment for the players. Even to the extent that the npcs you get as companions in Follower Dungeons have a mix of races that are supposed to be natural enemies all playing nice with each other. That’s just cringe worthy.

It’s 2024, with the advances in technology the devs could of figured out a way to have large scale epic faction wars. The humans laying siege to Orgrimmar or the Orcs invading Stormwind. Where all the players in the area could participate in the battles. Wouldn’t that be spectacular and live up to the War in Warcraft? What do you think, am I right?


The Alliance vs Horde story had been bad for a while. It cant be salvaged.

Minus points for the generic “disney” barb.


I think we lost the concept of War even back in Classic. I’m playing it and reading it as I go. We are killing spies of the opposite faction but at that stage it’s an ‘uneasy peace’ with minor skirmishes. It ramps up in the following expansions but also doesn’t because we’re busy fighting the same final boss.

Some of the best ‘warring’ was probably with Garrosh as Horde lead but he’s long gone.

I think the way the MMO is kinda made handicaps War in the same way the game was in the RTS.


Imagine the lag


Has always been bad in wow and was always stupid after Hyjal


This is where every single one of these threads loses any and all credibility.


Are you sure you played Warcraft III at all?


The orcs literally sack SW in Warcraft 1.

What does this have to do with Warcraft III not actually being about horde vs alliance? (Nothing, the answer is nothing, just to be clear)


Umm, OP stated this and wants large scale sieges of Org and SW. What about WC3 would change that?

I see your preferred weapon is the Dense Triangle Mace lol.

OP included WCIII in the list of games to base their whining about how there is no war because there is no faction war. My point stands, have either of you played 3?


Warcraft 3, where the Alliance and Horde worked together to save Azeroth. That’s what changed how WoW played out.


We’re at war, just not between the Alliance and Horde. That story arc has been heavily played out.

Even as far back as WC3 the theme was getting over old hatreds vs perpetuating the cycle of violence.

There’s always a villain that needs to be knocked around until they drop epics, though.


And you think after WC3 everyone was friends? Did you play Vanilla through WotLK? Alterac Valley BG? Winterspring?

Your argument is because some of the campaign missions were team ups that the conflict was over? LMAO.

F^^^ all of that

No. But outright war was off the table. There are too many larger threats out there to bother with fighting each other all the time.


This zone was about the war between the players and the drop rate on that stupid yeti quest.


The Horde and Alliance had to sign a social contract so they’d all hold hands and get along.

I think the way WOW folded itself in 4 to justify renewed conflict on both sides was kind of dumb. Whether I think everyone was friends is irrelevant, the war fundamentally makes less sense after Ahn’qiraj than it did after Hyjal, and it gets sillier and sillier.

Like BC does not even bother justifying a faction war, the actual real factions of the expansion are not even tied to the core factions.


dalaran explodes and citizens are dying in first 10 minutes of xpac

“wow where’s the war in warcraft??”