Bring Back the "War" in World of Warcraft!

People said that about DF despite

  • A war between the blacks and the lava vrykul guys being half of the first zone’s MSQ and its big meta event
  • An entire dungeon and zone about a centaur civil war
  • The main arc of the expansion being a war with the primalists and the order of the flame once the primalists get their teeth kicked in
  • A bubbling dragon civil war that ends with the Sarkareth raid and Vyranoth turning coat

A brief overview of why the faction war is silly and overplayed:


Big bad shows up, kills a bunch of citizens, blows up Dalaran



I get the complaints that from a faction perspective it makes the main cast pretty slanted until level 80 quests, but it’s pretty clear both he and Jaina are bailing to get reinforcements asap

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Faction War has been dumb for a while. Nothing proved that harder than the literal faction war expansion, BFA.

There is only one faction that matters and it’s Azeroth. The War in Warcraft is us vs everything trying to blow it up or corrupt it.

If you want to waste your time mindlessly PvPing that’s what BGs are for.


They forgot the best part to end it with:


It’s mostly just funny that there’s already not much Horde rep, and the one main guy finds an excuse to leave the moment the expansion starts.

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I agree 100%. Without war there is no Warcraft.

Meh. The old warcraft tropes are like beating a dead horse in my opinion.

It’s been 20 years and we’ve had how many planet/universe ending threats and people still want the horde and alliance to bicker like children in between each one? At this point it comes down to mutual survival if nothing else.

I’m not against adding new PvP game modes or other things, just that expecting the two factions to fight each other after they are depleted after some cosmic threat every couple of years seems silly.

Edit: That’s always why it doesn’t seem crazy that you’d get mixed faction followers in follower dungeons. It’s not a “disney” thing, it’s a survival thing.


Battle for Azeroth was the big end to the faction conflict. We’ll just have to be content with killing millions of members of the other races, like kobolds.

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If not the battle between the Horde and Alliance, than Blizzard should have 3rd faction like the Scourge where every player can join. The Scourge comes back in a big way with the help of the players. The Horde and the Alliance are very weak right now , so it’s the best time to kick that dog while it’s down.

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Is this one of those thread where OP wants to relive the glory days of rampaging through zones 40 lvl below him and think it is pvp? That is peeweepee! Put on war mode OP!


Unfortunately, the war within also means… the war within our own selves.

If you want your experience to feel immersive, there are things YOU CAN DO to make it happen.

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You do understand that pvp is not the only way to do wars in MMOs?

Also wpvp is dead, has been dead for years, and has always been ganking lowbies since at least the launch of the first BGs - the fact that you lot have to resort to crying about the glory days of wpvp to trick people into doing warmode should tell exactly how beloved wpvp was.



Get us some new writers.


If there was a 3rd Factions i would join in a heart beat since the Horde no longer have a Warchief to help lead the Horde. Plus i don’t like the Alliance. They can all jump in the lake for all i care. Also… they can take the green Jesus with them.


Sounds like what you should be asking for is a warlands fork, a new version of WoW that follows the doomed timeline where the Horde and Alliance never made peace and tore the world apart?

As for the desire for more massive battlefields regardless of why they happen, I worry there may be some technical walls that can ever be fully crossed. I might be wrong here, but it seems to me that every player’s client just fundamentally needs to be getting updates on what every other player on the battlefield is doing. This immediately creates an N^2 interaction, which means putting 10x as many players on the field increases the total stress on the servers by 100x … which means advances in tech just don’t go as far as one might hope?

If you PvP like I do, the war never left.

Always been a part of it, lmao.

Maybe for PvE players there’s no war in Warcraft, but that’s their choice.

PvE-forced faction conflict generally isn’t as neat because it’s not organic, just railroaded into the story like BfA was.

Stuff like Epic BGs, still as fun as they ever were. Same with Blitz.

Wish there was Rated Epic BG Blitz, that’d honestly be crazy and awesome.

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You do realize not everything has to do with pvp just because someone ask for War into Warcraft. Plus, i haven’t pvp in a long time since Blizzard ruin pvp for me back in 2013.

WoW has always gone back and forth with the Alliance vs Hord and Alliance working with Horde. When we are working together there is still war. In different expansions fought against the Burning Legion, Primalists, bugs and Old Scratch himself.

There’s always a war. Haven’t seen a single expansion without one.

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