Bring back the old talent system!

Don’t you dare call me a Karen…Darren~

I am not calling you a karen. :slight_smile:

I was talking about Tipper.

It really wasn’t. People keep spitting this “cookie cutter blah blah” nonsense all the time when it’s actually funny I ran my own personal build in BC up until BT(which is when the gear actually supported sac sb spam) and out dps’d the other warlocks running whatever the internet told them to run. There was definitely a lot of option for variety to match your playstyle.


Yes! Yes! Yes! It was great to experiment and challenge cookie cutters sometimes. :slight_smile:

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I agree with everything you said but:

Talent trees were removed at the start of MoP, not Cata.

I remember because it was one of the two reasons I rage quit back in 2012.


Yeah I know that. Cata just shaved off like 5-6 if i remember correctly.

Oh ok…sorry~

Saul Goodman! Now I’m gonna make a character named Darren :stuck_out_tongue:

I Love that show~ Better Call Saul…too bad Lenny had to be written out*

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Yeah I loved Lenny!

Spinal Tap!

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Yes Lenny but not in Spinal tap…

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Laverne and Shirley, Lenny and Squiggy. :slight_smile:

Honestly, this whole expansion is a whole new game philosophy is ruining player morale and quality of life for any player of any experience. It’s sad to me how many system changes there are in WoW. Guild Wars is nice because it introduces a variety of Epic talent blocks that don’t completely trash an entire infrastructure of gameplay. I play all the classes over there and don’t feel bored or limited in my roles. I can freely swap talents and skill choices. The lack of fluidity and freedom a player has when it comes to building their toon and enjoying gameplay is the core reason why I struggle to keep playing. I am hoping changes are coming that will keep the game structurally sound and doesn’t favor one faction over the other or play favoritism is other systemic ways.

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Yeah it is… different. lol

I’d love to get a revamped old talent system.

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Oh that feeling of dinging and getting to pick another .25% crit increase. What a system! Talent trees were a joke and only offered the illusion of choice.

Hear hear!


You are demonstrably in the minority opinion, but I respect it.