Bring back the old talent system!

This Talent Tree

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I dig it. :slight_smile:

Didn’t Blizzard have to stop making the game so lovable because too many people were becoming addicted?

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Maybe some Tipper Gore thought that, lol…

I have NO IDEA what you are talking about make yourself Clear…tyia

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TBC wasnt a good xpac though lol thats nostalgia talking.

Wrath was though.

She is a Karen that along with other people, thought explicit rock music was making kids be worse than they were back in their version of the good ol days. Satanic panic type of stuff.

They had more talent choices!

I really liked it in those days when you could use the hybrid system to talents. Loved the Frost/Blood DK mixes.

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I too used to laugh at Tipper Gore growing up…now I’m grown up and see she made actual common sense…

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Indeed it was! I experimented with the same thing.

Well the explicit lyric thing was dumb. I mean, the CD or Cassette wasn’t the role model, the parent should have been if they want a good kid, but we’re getting off topic, lol…

I will mention here, rep/factions/renoun Ugh! Me and my friend find this expansion so boring we are doing old content to pass the time hoping the next expansion will be better. Really not into this azerite/renoun power stuff they’ve had the past few expansions.

That’s our opinion. I assume “some” must like it. But it is NOT alt friendly.


Yeah, too many systems have absolutely been boring and proven to burn people out or outright quit. The tree could have some powers switched up once in a while to add something new with all the powers from sets and other weapons/armor that are around.

wait for it…wait for it…

here it is…

look closely…the “talent tree” in the “box of many things” is the old talent tree system…

one has to spend so many points to open up others below it…but,but,but…i thought it was cookie cutter? i thought it was bad? i thought it was confusing? i thought it was to hard for individuals to research what was best? I thought that the old talent tree was such a mess that nobody could figure it out?..what happened to all these excuses? they suddenly vanished like a fart in the wind when blizzard “tells” you that your having fun and that this way is much better…

“this” is what you get when you ooo and ahhh at blizzards carrot on a stick approach to almost everything…except of course “legal battles”…they seem very serious about those…

i complained here,many did…at the end of cata…2 weeks before mop dropped blizzard implemented this “questionable” talent system,all the ooo’s and ahh’s came out like clockwork reveling at the new and exciting ability to swap talents in the field…see this was the selling point for this bs and the people (like the sheep they are) bought into it completely…

im wondering…can one still “swap talents” in the field with various dusts…or must you be in a resting area now…and if so, is resting areas considered “the field” now?


After playing Borderlands 3 I won’t mind the return of talent tress.

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I’d give you the walter white quote I can’t put here likely , but perhaps you know to which one I refer regarding correctness.

Old talent trees sucked, no thank you.

I’d rather have multiple builds to use for different content like we have now then one build you’re forced to use.

Yeah, after playing just about anything including WoW makes me want the old trees back.

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I mean, the trees were pretty set for 5 - 25 man content. Dual spec was just fine with me as well and like most of us say, it was fun to mix and match because we mere mortals did more mix and match than min max. The min maxers made the old youtube video LK kill awesome!