Bring back the old talent system!

Your opinion. I do like your diablo 2 pitch. The old systems had way more lee way and you didn’t have to have 48 of them in an expansion. There were a lot of great choices that were fun to mess with.

Old Talent Tree was the best thing in WoW- back in the day~

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Yeah, I could see that happening . However, I think enough of us that are still around even though we played back then would get into something like that for it to be well-received.

It appears to be a lot of people’s opinion that it’s the case. :slight_smile:

wow team has proven to be overwelm with balancing thing, the best they can do for class and spec desing is get rid of talents theres little to none player choice, just go to a guide external site and pick what is the meta, less things to balance easiest to the team to balance and do actual content rather than always working behind reacting to the wild exponential issues in live servers

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They added 12 talent trees this expansion, called “Soulbinds”.

You got to choose from the fixed set they gave as well as add the powers that interested you most. There was a static leveling period as you unlocked rows and the individual Soulbinds through renown, and an RNG component as you found traits and powered them up.

I would rather have one rather complicated talent tree than 7 different talent-like trees per expansion.

There are a bunch of them that were much longer than old talent trees, and def longer than current ones, so don’t tell me it’s just too hard to add to it.

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Systems on top of systems. Still only 12, but then there’s some other system after that and after that… The talents were rewarded at level , on demand and dual spec talent trees were just fun to mix/match for most of us mere mortals.

I kind of agree with both sides here.

I liked the old talent system because you could be a bear/kitty or my hunter could take beast mastery but toss in some marksman. So I think that THAT is what people actually miss not necessarily the old talents of 5 points in hit chance.

I think it would be cool, I don’t know how possible, but still: to have a talent system that allows you to be part bear part cat or part boom part … healer with a similar catch to the old system. If you didn’t put the majority of your points into one area you couldn’t get to the “big” talents.

There will always be cookie cutter builds and min/maxing; but for those that are bored with the status quo… mixing it up and seeing just how far you can push things is fun too. Or just even those who have a certain… picture of what their toon is. My old mage in Ultima Online was a mage/archer - she was a hoot to play!


Exactly, people have been driven off by the system+system= system , and rinse/repeat.

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NO i wont touch classic OR TBC because I HATE the old talent system…also DO NOT REMOVE FACTIONS…I spend lots of money in this game both on in- store pets/mounts and tokens and multiple accounts…

I think it’s pretty obvious the “new” talent system has failed. Pretty much every talent row only has 1 talent worth taking, with the rest quite substantially worse.

It also doesn’t feel as rewarding. Even though the “illusion of choice” of the old system was true to varying degrees, it still feels more fun to me. And there were definitely more viable builds than now.

Not Soul Binds- the REAL Talent Ttee where you as a player can put up to 3 points into what ever class you were . I was a Rogue back in the day, I could put 3 points into Sap and it was awesome.

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Its not just that though, it’s tower knowledge, and visions, and that Legion one at the end no one cares about, and your ACTUAL talent tree, and the azerite thing, throw in leggos too, I am totally blanking but there is more.


You… You’re good, you… You are very very good. I love Ultima and EQ ! One of my favorite things was Lady Shae the high elf in west freeport.
Tell her when she asks what house you’re from, “I am from the House of Pancakes.”
She will say back."I can tell. You look like you ATE a house of pancakes."she will reply. I miss some things about old eq but can’t go back to it.

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As if you are the only one who has spent countless money on this game.,

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Exactly. 7 rows pissed off people almost 10 years ago.

No one is neck bearding. We have been talking mostly in a friendly manner.

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We all have differing opinions, but many of us would like a semblance of the same thing. We’re not being hats to one another.