Bring back the old talent system!

It’s all good. It really kind of doesn’t matter anymore. These forums are rarely modded IMO.

On topic,
Current talent system is actually older in years than the “old” one.
I don’t agree we need to go to the pre-Cata one, but it is time to improve the system. It lacks enjoyment.


The old talent tree lended itself better to infinite power ups. All they had to do was tack on another level to a old button.

With the sec system you can still use the vanilla talent tree, you simply have to limit the points that can be spent in each of the off spec’s.

The new one too simple and does not give enough choices to confuse the min maxers into debating. You see if they are confused then the rest of us can try what we want. And if anyone complains we are spec’ed wrong we can just point out the fact that everyone is still debating what’s right and move on with our day.

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I’d take the cata one that shaved off a few but not down to 7.

Yeah I don’t do anything but casual really. I was already in my late 20’s when I picked up wow. I was an old EQ ship jumper. I had a kid and was in the military.

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The original glyph system was Prime, Major, Minor and they cut Prime because everyone just picked the best glyphs and that was all you had to do. Then they cut Major and idk why. They removed reforging for a similar reason, you just install Reforgeinator or ReforgeLite and run to the reforge dude, click optimize or whatever and that’s it.

Blizzard, at that time, seemed to be against stuff that didn’t take any thought and was just a formality of performance. That is no fault of ours, of course, they designed the system we just used it in the way that yielded the best results. They could go back to an old school talent system but I have a feeling it’s not going to be well received if people have to change talents on any kind of regular basis. The talents would have to be pretty static even though I know people would just get an addon to spec their talents for them :laughing:


You’re wrong lol. It sucks that most people who disagree have quit the game, or you’d be laughed out of these forums.


Of course, but there would be a lot that I’d imagine would be pretty happy about it. There have always been “do this for you” addons, so yeah you’re right about that.

The old talent system problem is a bit like the current one. People tend to use guides to optimize their characters the same way to maximize DPS and etc so everyone just uses the same talents.

Kind of wonder if they should just do away with talents all together or make it so the talents don’t increase your dmg done, and etc and make them all more cosmetic to different playstyles.

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Simming pretty much obliterated any hope of making stats meaningful in any way going forward. Which is why gearing is so incredibly dull now. Enchants, gems, which is left is there purely to satisfy the VERY outdated professions. They don’t even have a need to be in-game either.

Sad reality is optimization is what killed “choices” in this game. Talent system included imo.

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Old skill tree was just unnecessary stuff to click to complete your cookie cutter build

Of course some people would be, I personally don’t have a problem with the idea as I’d be one of those people that just got an addon :laughing: Though what would matter is how Blizz implemented it. Right now it’s just, click tome, click talents you want, go about your business. If they do something silly like remove tomes :sob: Then I’d be very annoyed.

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Back then , sure people cookie cut it, but some didn’t and were just such damn good players they could experiment.

Oh yeah, brother not a thing wrong with it. I agree. :smiley:

You’re again, wrong. Classic WoW has proved people will experiment far more with the old trees, and have more fun with them. Hardly anybody uses the exact 100% cookie cutter build, and spends a few points where they like to customize. It’s a far better system in every single way.

Also you didn’t even start playing the game until the old talent system was removed, judging by your achievements, and so you literally don’t know what you’re talking about.


It , to me and in my opinion, would still be better than systems on top of systems on top of systems like BFA and SL. More manageable to just count to 51-71 in the trilogy than keep adding systems to systems over and over. Lots of folks did indeed get sick of that. I respect your opinion, however.

The min maxers are always going to min max. (Not bashing min maxers, fun to watch in MDIs and such). Most of us mortals could mess around and still have a ball in raids and dungeons.

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Yep :+1: The desire to math everything down to the tiniest fraction of a percent destroys all the gearing “options”. We all know (or can get access to the information) what the best enchants and gems are. All the extra gems there were back in the day would be generally pointless outside of someone doing something niche.


Yes exactly. The old talent system punishes you far less for experimenting then the current one does. There’s literally no comparison.


I can get onboard with a revamp. I actually always like the Diablo 2 style where you learn all active abilities and they synergize. Just you know…better balanced. I honestly can’t take people seriously who advocate for the old system of 95% filler passives that don’t impact your gameplay much if at all and then act like it was amazing and full of spectacular choices.

Just because a system isn’t great doesn’t mean you revert to one that’s just as sucktastic. Or worse. It means you advocate for something better.


Blizzard should bring it back. It won’t change much since the majority of us will play whichever sims the best, and the weirdos that want to pick shield spec over stormstrike can do so and feel accomplished.