Bring back the challenge mode sets through fated dungeons

That is the correct understanding.

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I only care about how transmog looks, not how exclusive it is. I’ll try to get it if I think it looks good on my toons and I honestly don’t care if everyone else has the same thing. That’s why I haven’t done any of the Archaeology 2.0 stuff because I don’t care for any of it. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

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I go back and forth on these things, on hand there’s a small amount of prestige to something like this and it’s old stuff, on the other hand people shouldn’t be penalized because they didn’t play the game at the time. At the end of the day, I have to lean to what’s more beneficial to more of the player base, making these available in some sort of fated dungeon isn’t game breaking and might build som good will. Personally I’d rather come up with newer, better models of these sets and leave them in the past.

Legion mage tower skins earned during Legion - 20ish

2.0 mage tower skins earned now that they have no expiration - 1

I can only speak for myself, but there’s zero urgency for me to stop sucking and git gud to knock these out. As a sub retention tool, limited time rewards worked.

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Did we really need another one of these threads?

Not only no, but hell no.


If you want them bad enough you would want to git gud as fast as possible.

But even if you don’t wouldnt it still be good to fail at achieving it one time and then maybe weeks or months later be able to do it and look at how much you’ve improved.

I wanted the warrior set and tried in SL but the fight took so long that the imp timings would overlap and overwhelm me.

Knowing that it’s always there, though, I can wait until someone says “hey, it’s so nerfed it’s free right now” before trying again.

If it was limited like mage tower I’d have to get on it asap.

From the player perspective, yeah, no issues there.

From Blizzard’s perspective though limited time rewards are a tool to keep us subbed. Mage tower is old news, though, so I don’t know if limiting it now would have the same effect as it did when it was current.

Also, if you spend X man hours to balance and/or bring back old content and old rewards that only benefit a small minority - that’s less bang for your buck than creating a new thing or a new reward that benefits the exact same minority and potentially everyone else.

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Not everyone raids. A lot of people were trying to do those with whatever catchup gear was available, and even in whatever raid gear was available you can’t elitist-hand-wave away the fact that some challenges were just straight up hard no matter what.

Hell, being geared was actively detrimental for the healer one lol

It does not.

Yep, this exactly.


Shouldn’t the game being well designed be what is keeping us subbed?

The people with the items are the absolute minority not the other way around so it would be to benefit the very large majority.

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All of the pearl clutching over pixels being devalued. Lol.

I got every single mage tower weapon. I couldn’t care less if its brought back.

You know why? Because if Im using it its because i like how it looks. Not because its removed.

Other people using it doesnt affect its appearance.

If you are wearing soemthing you dont think looks good just because its removed you need to reevalute yourself



Shouldn’t foods that don’t need sugar in them not have sugar added to make us buy them over competitors?

Shouldn’t vapes be marketed as only a temporary method to ween off smoking instead of colourful flavoured kids toys?

Marketing, promotion, retention methods aren’t our friends.

You’re thinking from the perspective that 100% of the available player base is the target audience.

The target is people interested in mogs that are also interested in challenging content and are capable of completing it.

Let’s say only 40% of active players fit that description. Straight out of the gate, 60% are missing out.

Of that 40% you have the people who already have the rewards and the people who don’t.

Let’s say it’s 30:70 haves:have nots.

If you re-release old rewards, 70% of that target audience benefit and 30% do not. Obviously the majority benefiting is a good thing for the players, right?

If you release new rewards for this target audience though, 100% of this audience benefits as everyone is a have-not.

When resources (dev hours) are finite, it might make more sense purely from a resource angle to pick 100% of that 40% instead of 70% of that 40% (40% VS 28% of all active players).

That’s not even considering the previous point about using limited time rewards during content lulls to retain subs.


For me the Legion MT rewards worked because they were awesome, not because they were “time limited”. If they had been the current MT rewards I wouldn’t have bothered at all. As it was I started too late and ran out of time (I’m a 80% player and you needed to be a 95%+ so I didn’t get the gear equalizer until too late) but I did make a couple hundred attempts and did get the pally flail. The try-hards may be motivated by “time limited” rewards, but casual players are motivated by looks. And if all the good stuff is locked away or timed out, what motivation do such players have to stick around, or come back later when they could actually get said items?? :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

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The content was not removed, just the reward. You can still go do all the dungeons that were involved with the CM event. What was removed was the reward for timing them and it was not for “no reason.” Those rewards were given to people for completing the challenge while the content was current. There are now new rewards for timing dungeons. M+. Go do those.

So which was it? Sounds like you were “denied” something because you didn’t feel like doing it then forgot what your original excuse was.

And there it is. In every one of these “bring back removed rewards” threads someone says “think of the children” err I mean “think of the newbies.”

So it went from “I wasn’t serious” to “I wasn’t playing” to “think of the newbies.” This is why Blizzard shouldn’t take these requests seriously.


Because i was to young and didn’t keep up with the game. i did not even know the challenge modes existed until late wod.

There is a lot of it that was in fact removed again the pandaria questline the wod ring the brawlers guild and on.

Which was again staggering to me. Because 2 of those are literal crucial story components of the entire expansion and the other was just a fun and dificult mini game that pretty much gave you nothing but shirts.

Are people really going to start pearl clutching over shirts now?

You don’t have any raid, M+, or rated pvp content done this season.

What’s your excuse for not getting the current limited-time rewards?


Not on this character i don’t but on my tank druid i have done +17’s in every key and i am 7/9 heroic in the raid.

And i’ve hit 2k in solo shuffle on my dk.

Great, sounds like you won’t have this problem going forward.

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You’re confusing content with rewards. At least in regards to the CMs.


I think removed cosmetics should come back as they act as an extention to character customisation. And certain removed cosmetics might be whats needed for someones rp to come to life.

But i do wish those who advocate the strongest for the return of cosmetics gave examples of what ones they want and how it would be their main mog/mount.

Wanting to use a removed item is a good reason to bring it back.
Wanting it in your collection just because its not available is not a good reason.

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