Bring Back The Burning Of Teldrassil

Honestly, it is one of the most impactful quests I have done ever. The hopeless feeling of not being able to save all the innocents and almost succumbing yourself. I think it would be great motivation to go into the Shadowlands to give Sylvanas a good ol’ what for!


I’ve still yet to hear a single cogent argument as to why Blizz has ever removed story based quests from any expansion. Is there some technical reason that I’m not aware of? Will the game poop its pants and delete its entire database or something?


Playing it totally unaware of what happens was super deep. It would really help the new player experience I think.


Some of it gets removed when they redesign things since it doesn’t work with the new design without an entire overhaul. For example, the scenario where you invade the Undercity after the Wrathgate was scrapped when they rebuilt the world (and more specifically Tirisfal/UC) in Cata.

Other than that, I’d guess that having too many phases might be a concern as well. The more phases you shove together the more likely is they’ll cause some sort of issue or confusion.

i just want to replay it over and over again so i can see her say “BURN IT” XD

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It sucked and I am glad it is gone

It can go where the rest of the alliance propaganda story went. like the bombing of theramore.

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I voted for the tree mount, so I could stand in fire with it, and yell “Help! I’m Teldrassil!”


Why do you want to burn the tree again? Haven’t the elves suffered enough?



They are trying to sweep Teldrassil under the rug and making people forget about it, it won’t come back.

This is not what we’re going to do though. Shadowlands is about glorifying Sylvanas.

They removed this event specifically because they didn’t want to address it

They never thought that people wouldn’t accept killing 1 Val’kyr as revenge.

I mean… who would’ve thought otherwise? :thinking:

I recall the outroar was so bad even Horde players were raging. :rofl:

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Sorry, I forgot Blizz was simpin’ for a second.

I came back to WoW after leaving in legion, arriving back in 8.3, and am gutted that I missed such a major part of the story.

I found out by having a quest turn-in in Darnassus and not being able to get there… trust me, that’s a really rubbish way to find out and then realising that I’ll never even be able to see what happened though it IS current content while we’re still in BFA, feels terrible. :confused:

I’ve always been against content removal, but this one stung more than usual!

well, in teldrasil’s case, it might’ve been so the mount at the end would be less common… y’know, years down the line.

Removing a major story beat just because you don’t wanna acknowledge it is terrible development design.
Weren’t they also gonna remove the Battle for Lor… whatever it was that big city that you raid through with others, because of that too? Since the cinematic end for that mentions the Burning as well?

I dodged an emotional bullet not playing WoW when it was a thing but I don’t like playing the later levels as a Horde character because of it either.
You shouldn’t retcon something so huge from the story. It’s ripping a whole chapter from a book and expecting people to still read it and understand what’s going on. Either keep the burning in and ACKNOWLEDGE IT and give the elves the justice they deserve (Because even I can say it wasn’t enough!), or if you are retconning it go the whole way and give them their damn tree back.

Reminder that Blizzard doesn’t think that Sylvanas, a character they’re practically simping for at this point, is evil after committing fricking genocide, which they full on said it was, of thousands including children. They don’t think a character committing Genocide is crossing the Moral Event Horizon. I’m more than likely reaching but just think about that.

I’m not interested in the quest rewards. Only the story. The quest rewards can be removed.

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The importance of the Burning of Teldrassil notwithstanding, the entire War of Thorns scenario was really low-effort throw-away content because Blizzard knew it wasn’t going to be permanent. Especially the stuff with Sylvanas, Malfurion and Saurfang is really low-effort and completely conflicts with the Elegy and A Good War short stories.

The only quest that was interesting was the Alliance in the tree trying to save an impossible number of people and failing, but the dailies and the rest of the content was not that good.