Bring Back The Burning Of Teldrassil

A tree that large isn’t going to burn without building the fire with smaller kindling first.

Try holding a match to a log and see how fast it ignites.

Likely explanation:
If they were still in the game, you could subscribe for a month or two and devour an expansion’s worth of content.

Which Val’kyr? (I started BfA in July 2020.)

What? That doesn’t even make any sense.

Why it was removed?

I started in BFA 8.3 and never really see the scene from level 1 to 120. Once I got 120 I just receive a call by Anduin to siege undercity.

I vaguely remember seeing some cut scene like Malfurion being hit. Why it’s not in the game?

Because v


Blizzard creates some time-limited content, so you can’t skip it with the knowledge you can come back at any time. You have to log in for at least a month for the Burning of Teldrassil, even if you complete it in a couple of days.

Save up all these little bits of content you could skip, and you could log in for a month and complete all of them. Meantime, Blizzard was hoping for at least 8 or 10 months of subscriptions from you.

I don’t agree with it, but they are apparently using “logged in” as a metric, or something.

In the case of the war of thorns/burning of teldrasil, it’s because it was the prepatch event. Prepatch events are temporary, and as such, so are the questlines contained in them.

But why though. Why make them temporary? I get people get butthurt about “muh exclusive limited cosmetics”, but why the story? Would anyone seriously care if people who just started playing last month were able to experience it? I’m still not seeing any logic to story removal regardless of expac.

They could just put it in it’s own time stream and have you speak to the NPC that already switches the zone’s time line for you. Then new players can experience the events for themselves.

Just on a story telling standpoint it’s stupid to not include it.

Imagine if you didn’t do the burning, had no knowledge of it. And you see cutscenes where Anduin is saying “he failed those who burned” among other things.

The story teller side of me just hates that it’s not available

Plus those boosting to 110 will not know whatsoever why Teldrassil is suddenly showing on the map burnt to a crisp when it wasn’t there before the boost (If you’re one of those people that bother to look at the map zones for some off reason like me). I certainly didn’t know, I had to look it up online! And saw it was a temporary event I’ve long since missed.
I had to look up a major story thing on the internet because the game didn’t have such a crucial thing to its story in the actual thing itself anymore. I was just :///

Battle for Lordaeron is being removed too in the prepatch so enjoy it while you can. Another chunk of the story removed for no reason.

There’s literally an entire zone about Tyrande and a questline where you rescue souls from Teldrassil.

I wish they didn’t remove some of these quests. I remember when they removed the battle for the Undercity from wrath after doing the Wrathgate and I was very sad. That was one of my fav events at the time, rush into UC and take on some quest raid boss’s with Thrall/Varian.

I’m gonna have to hard disagree. As impactful as that event was, it is the single most polarizing source of the problems in bfa’s plot.

Imagine playing a chill forsaken and your queen decided to make the whole world hate you. For 2 years.

The game should make you feel good about winning. This ain’t it.