Bring Back the Brewfest Ram

Blizzard, you’re doing a fine job reversing past mistakes.

Bringing back the original Brewfest Ram is a no-brainer as well. Only 1.05% of people have this mount according to dataforazeroth. Let people grind out Brewfest for this model and enjoy the cosmetics that they want :slight_smile:


Also, for that that do not have it and were playing when it was originally available, see if you can buy it. If you completed the appropriate quests, it is still available for purchase. I got mine last year because I completed the event quests well over a decade ago.

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That’s quite bizarre, but that’s kind of cool.

I have that one from the olden days… and I’d be fine with people being able to get it now. Mounts are functionally cosmetic with a couple of exceptions so why would I care?


I see a thread asking to bring something back, I like one.


didn’t get it? sucks but it’s not coming back. blizz shouldn’t cater to your entitlement

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No, Blizzard shouldn’t cater to your gatekeeping.

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it isn’t gatekeeping to think you don’t deserve to try to get a mount just because you didn’t play, it’s entitlement to think you deserve to get a mount just because you didn’t play


I have the mount and advocate for its return. What’s your excuse now?


you’re still wrong

I’m wrong because I want players to have more choices? lol

bringing back an old mount does not give players “more choices” it diminishes the feeling of accomplishment from people who actually got it. You might not feel that way, but that doesn’t mean the vast majority of players think like you.

I remember, back during the original Brewfest, a guildy asking “Why would you bother with the normal ram? Are you stupid?”

Gotta love it. Or at least, I’ve gotta love rubbing it in peoples’ faces.

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Logging and doing almost no work during a 2007 holiday is not an accomplishment.

If that is what you deem an accomplishment, then no wonder you’re so bitter behind a Classic toon.

the fact that the vast majority of the players that got it then aren’t playing now IS the accomplishment. It’s a mount that you rarely see in the wild and it should stay that way.

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I endorse and support this idea.

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Wow, I’m surprised it’s no longer obtainable.

I have the Brewfest Ram and the Brewfest Kodo, and I never use them.

I’ll pick my Sinrunner Blanchy over them anyday!

An accomplishment that merely relies on others not playing? :clown_face: