Bring Back the Brewfest Ram

The kodo is still obtainable, as is the swift brewfest ram.

The one being referred to is the non-armored ‘regular’ brewfest ram

Back then all mounts didn’t scale to riding skill, so a lot of people like Segovia’s guildmates, figured ‘why bother with a regular ground speed ram, when you can get the epic speed one’, also not figuring Blizzard would remove the ability to get the regular one so that only those who did the quest that very first year would ever be able to.

I got it because it was the only regular and armored ram available to ride on the Horde, but I still feel it should still be available to those who would want it now regardless.


I say make every mount ever released in the game achievable by one means or another. Lock some of the rare ones behind grinds if you want, but they should all be obtainable in some fashion. At the end of the day it is all just pixels and fun anyway.


I hope nobody sees your reply while forgetting their glasses.

Yup, removing it was nothing more than a troll move and it needs to be undone. Bring back the Brewfest Ram!