Bring back templates

Well, I’ve had issues, even with 4 of the largest bags available in the game.


Lol the math doesn’t even add up on that :roll_eyes: with corruptions I had more gear sets than I’ve ever had and I still had two virtually empty bags. If you’re having issues it’s a you problem.

Sure, I probably play too many specs and save gear for too many situations.

Lol I played 3 different specs in both PvP and pve on my sham. For enhance I had 3 virtually different sets thanks to corruptions. All my gear still easily fit into two bags.

3 x 15 = 45 slots for one spec

Largest bag = 32 slots

Good luck with the math.

If you can fit 9 virtually different sets of gear into two bags, you’re an amazing packer.

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You don’t have to swap every single item with corruptions. Just 2/3. Less for offspecs. It easily fit into two bags.

Now let’s look at PvP specific gear. It swaps easily between specs so you only need two sets of gear + a few extra weapons and trinkets.

That’s 2 X 15 = 30 + a few extras. Easily fits into two bags. Corruptions just fully filled two bags.

Saying you don’t like carrying so many sets so you don’t want PvP specific gear is pure laziness. They have a ui function that lets you easily swap between. I have 5 options saved. Takes no time and no bag space.

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My face when people are actually trying to use “too many gear sets” as an argument. You droolers will find literally anything to whine about lmao. It doesn’t matter if Blizzard created the greatest expansion imaginable, you would still cry about the grass physics.

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You could fill the largest bag with just having a PvE set and PvP set for one spec. If you have additional gear for more specific situations, that’s more than one bag.

Maybe for your class. Other classes have different stat priorities for each spec in PvP. So, the PvP gear isn’t shared between specs.

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It’s still significantly less than two bags worth :roll_eyes:

Eh for the most part this isn’t true. Holy pally to ret this is true. Still though… That’s still at most another 15 items you’re carrying around. It still fits into two bags.

Again I had more gear sets with corruptions And I still got everything into two bags. It’s just laziness and the lamest excuse ever.

If one spec can easily fill one bag, and your specs’ stat priorities don’t overlap, that’s basically at least one bag (or more) for each spec that you play.

Sorry, but I can’t fit all my gear for three specs into two bags.

One spec doesn’t fill a bag though. Even with two sets.

Not every spec is different even for paladin. Only one of your specs is different.

Then you’re doing it wrong.

Then you’re fortunate that your specs’ PvE/PvP stat priorities overlapped a lot.

In wod I used to pick up extra sets to try mastery and haste for warlocks. Or tanky sets for sham. Never more than two bags. You’re doing it wrong. You’re clearly keeping stuff you most definitely don’t need.

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In a prepatch? Yea.


I mean there are some obvious outliers, but there were way worse prepatches than this one.

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If thats how you want to take it, but that never was the case.


Blizzard is putting out an expansion with, what, almost half the dungeons of Legion? On top of that, two of the 8 dungeons are garbo.

They can’t even get the bread and butter of the game right. How do you expect them to get pvp right?

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Four of the dungeons in Legion were introduced in later patches. Legion only launched with 1 more dungeon than Shadowlands is launching.

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Please, at least till SL actual launch.

Templates removes RPG PvP so No!

Sounds like you need gear because it’s an RPG game. PvP right now is really fast, fun and that is refreshing. SL had scaling removed which was massive step to fix PvP. It might be the PvP expansion we were looking for.